Monthly Archives: March 2015

Echo from The Cave:19

Sun March 15th, 2015 9:00 pm Manhattan, NYC

We are so honored that at the end of the ASANA & MEDITATION CLASS WITH THE MASTER,
our venerable Master bestowed Satsamgha on those in attendance.
Among them, there was our new brother, who has been practicing since he discovered the Mission after reading the book, SATORI. He was sitting close to the Master.
The face of our new brother melted upon actually seeing Shri Mahayogi with his own eyes, being with him in the same room and hearing the Master’s answers.
Welcome home, brother!



Kriya yoga means to engage DAILY in the study of sacred scriptures,
asana and pranayama practice, and meditation.
It is to practice these three disciplines every day without fail.

I come here every week in order to check
if all of you are doing
kriya yoga consistently (smiling playfully).”
Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa



“El kriya yoga es aplicarse al estudio DIARIO de las escrituras sagradas,
tanto como a la práctica de asana y pranayama y a la meditación.
Es practicar estas tres disciplinas todos los días sin fallar.

Vengo aquí cada semana para asegurarme de que estén haciendo
su kriya yoga consistentemente (con una sonrisa pícara)”.
-Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa


Kriya yoga inseamana sa te dedici ZILNIC studierii scripturilor sfinte,
asanelor si practica pranayama, si meditatie.
Inseamna a practica aceste trei discipline in fiecare zi fara intrerupere.

Vin aici in fiecare samptamana cu scopul de a verifica
daca toti practicati kriya yoga cu consecventa (zambind jucaus).”
-Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa


-真理上師 聖 大瑜伽士 至尊天鵞








Questions continue…

Q: What is the role of prayer and faith, and the relationship between the two in the path of Yoga?

MASTER: Prayer and faith are not that different in Yoga. Longing for the Truth and longing to realize the Truth, are prayers and, at the same time, faith. The word “Faith” is not used in the Yoga Sutra, however, it states that “Satori is near for those who have intense zeal.” That means, in other words, prayer and faith.

Q: Prayer and faith have to be so strong in order to be transformed into action—how can that be increased?

MASTER: Make your thoughts, words and actions conform with one another. In order to do that, you must carry on with your sadhana, and practice karma yoga toward society starting with what you can do in your present situation.



P: ¿Cuál es el papel de la oración y la fe y la relación entre éstas en el sendero del Yoga? 

MAESTRO: La oración y la fe no son tan diferentes en el Yoga. Aspirar a la Verdad y aspirar a realizar la Verdad es orar y también es tener fe. La palabra “Fe” no aparece en el Sutra del Yoga. Sin embargo, éste dice que “el Satori está cercano para aquellos que tienen una intensa pasión [por la Verdad]”. Esto significa, en otras palabras, oración y fe.

P: La oración y la fe tienen que ser muy fuertes para transformarse en acción… ¿Cómo se pueden aumentar?

MAESTRO: Haz que tus pensamientos, palabras y acciones tengan concordancia ente sí. Para lograr esto tienes que mantener tu sadhana y practicar el karma yoga en torno a la sociedad empezando con lo que puedas hacer dentro de tu situación actual.


Intrebare: Care este rolul rugaciunii si a credintei, si rolul relatiei dintre acestea si calea de Yoga?

Guru: Rugaciunea si credinta nu se diferentiaza prea mult una de alta in Yoga. Tinderea spre adevar si tinderea spre a realiza adevarul, este o rugaciune si in acelasi timp credinta. Cuvantul  “Credinta” nu este folosit in Yoga Sutra, totusi, aceasta ne spune ca “Trezirea este aproape pentru cei ce au un zel arzator.” Cu alte cuvinte, aceasta inseamna si rugaciune si credinta.

Intrebare: Rugaciunea si credinta trebuie sa fie puternice pentru a fi transformate in actiune—cum pot fi acestea marite?

Guru: Facetiva gandurile, cuvintele si actiunile in concordanta una cu cealalalta. In scopul de a realiza acest lucru, trebuie sa va desfasurati in continuare sadhana, si sa practicati karma yoga fata de societate incepand cu ceea ce puteti face in situatia actuala.


問題: 祈禱和信仰,在瑜伽道路上扮演什麼樣的角色?

大師: 在瑜珈裡,祈禱和信仰並沒有很大的不同。憧憬真理和渴望實現真理,這兩件事就是祈禱,同時也是信仰。瑜伽經裡並沒有使用『信仰』這個詞,但經典裡提到『擁有熱情的瑜伽行者是非常接近開悟的』。這句話,也意即著祈禱和信仰。

問題: 必須有夠強的祈禱和信仰,才能將其化為實際行動。請問,應該做什麼才能加強呢?

大師: 請使你的思想、語言和行動三者一致。為了達成這件事,你必須落實靈性修煉,而且透過你現在在社會上所身處的環境,去練習行動瑜伽。







Humbly, we bow to you, our Master…

-From Satsangha in the ASANA & MEDITATION CLASS WITH SHRI MAHAYOGI on March 15, 2015 New York City



Echo from The Cave:18

Sun March 8th, 2015 9:00 pm Manhattan, NYC


We are so honored to have this opportunity once again!!
This garland of flowers was offered to our Beloved Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa
at the end of the first class with him this Sunday.

After some silence, Shri Mahayogi then spoke:


 “Meditate everyday. Truth is in the depth of the heart.
The Truth that is God, exists all around and everywhere.
You are That!”
Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa


“Debes meditar cada día. La Verdad está en lo profundo del corazón.
La Verdad, que es Dios, existe alrededor y en todas partes.
¡Eres Eso!”
-Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa

“Trebuie sa meditati in fiecare zi. Adevarul este in adancul inimii.
Adevarul care este Dumnezeu, exista in jurul vostru si peste tot.
Voi sunteti Acela!”
-Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa

-真理上師 聖 大瑜伽士 至尊天鵞 




The attendees were from America, Puerto Rico, Mexico,
Jamaica, Romania, Serbia, Ukraine, Hong Kong and Japan!
This represents the uniqueness of New York, totally international.
We truly hope that one day Shri Mahayogi’s words
will be translated into many different languages throughout the world.
It will come to pass!




Echo from The Cave:17

Thu March 4th, 2015 7:41pm Manhattan, NYC


Echo from The Cave:16

Wed March 4th, 2015 8:30pm Manhattan, NYC

The Benefits of PRANAVADIPA in My Daily PracticeIMAG0123








Three Months have passed since the online magazine PRANAVADIPA began to be published by the Mahayogi Yoga Mission. PRANAVADIPA has shown what a powerful tool it can be in the lives of fellow disciples and devotees of Sri Mahayogi. Every thirty days our Guru’s teachings are equally available to us all, no matter where in the world we are.

Having the opportunity to sit in satsangha with Sri Mahayogi is always wonderful to strengthen our spiritual growth and deepen our faith. Sadly, these opportunities are limited to the few months he is able to visit us in New York. With PRANAVADIPA, it is like we are able to have a satsangha every month, and although these are articles from past satsangha we have the chance to reflect and contemplate on his teachings of wisdom.

What I have enjoyed and benefited from greatly so far is hearing the inquiry from some of the more developed disciples of Sri Mahayogi. What we must remember is that Sri Mahayogi will answer us according to the depth of our inquiry and our ability to understand. Reading these satsangha and observing the depth of the questions and Sri Mahayogi’s answers to them helps deepen my understanding of the practice, such as the correct or incorrect way to discriminate against the tendencies of the mind. PRANAVADIPA also has examples of actual practice from practitioners. In the series “What is Yoga?” by Mr. Shimada, he writes of his introduction into the practice of Yoga, which most of us, whether long time practitioners or relatively new, can relate very well to. He goes further in great detail into the different aspects of the practice such as asana, understanding karma, and later, into meditation.

Since PRANAVADIPA’s publication, the benefits to myself and many others have been many, from having the continuous availability of the satsangha for us to ponder and meditate on, to seeing how others apply the teachings of Yoga in their everyday lives. One of the greatest benefits to me has been the sense of community I feel towards the brothers and sisters around the rest of the world. Reading their words through the pages of PRANAVADIPA let me see that we are all on this journey to conquer life, and by applying the teachings of our loving Guru, Paramahansa Sri Mahayogi, victory can be ours.










 * * *

PRANAVADIPA Vol.4 will be available on this Sunday, March 8th!!!

and, most importantly…

This Sunday, March 8th, will be the first class with our revered Master,

Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahamsa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!