Monday May 18, 2020 NY

GRACE OF THE MASTER: Shri Mahayogi’s Visit to NY this Winter
Pranam to our Beloved Master, Shri Mahayogi.
We would like to offer our sincere and heartfelt gratitude to Shri Mahayogi
for the precious time that he has spent in New York this past winter,
transmitting the teachings of Yoga and enlivening all
who had the great opportunity to gather at his beautiful lotus feet,
in his infinite grace.
In its own way, Shri Mahayogi’s visit to New York this winter (mid-December to end of February 2020) heralded the spring, bringing to us a light so bright as to keep our eyes and hearts drawn always upwards towards the Truth. This was the third occasion Shri Mahayogi came to New York over the course of one year, and was his longest stay, almost three months. Who could have known back then how the worldwide situation would be now. But looking back, it feels as if Shri Mahayogi was filling us with the spiritual strength needed to face the rapidly changing conditions of the world.
During those three months, between the weekly Sadhana Programs and the four Satsangha that were offered, many people were drawn to be at the side of the Master. Some came to meet Shri Mahayogi for the first time, some who met Shri Mahayogi during the past visit attended regularly, and there were even some faces that gratefully appeared after many years of absence. A steady stream of practitioners from Japan
also made the trip across the world to spend concentrated time of learning with Shri Mahayogi in New York. Whether new or old, whether from the United States, from Europe, or from various parts of Asia, Shri Mahayogi graciously and warmly welcomed all to his side.
Those who had not seen Shri Mahayogi in many years expressed their amazement at the fact that “Shri Mahayogi remains so unchanged. ”Many who experienced Shri Mahayogi for the first time either expressed the deep quietude or joy they felt within themselves afterward or departed from the programs with faces smiling and shining.
Again and again, attendees expressed that they had never experienced anything quite like this before,
whether in reference to the experience of practicing asana, to the experience of gathering with Shri Mahayogi to ask questions, or, what was probably most impactful and felt most strongly, the experience of Shri Mahayogi himself.
Apart from the concentrated times of learning that occurred during the Satsangha, every Sunday Shri Mahayogi offered a Sadhana program,
in which attendees gathered to practice asana and meditation under the guidance of the Master. In silence, Shri Mahayogi tenderly and with great care and attention watched over all the practitioners in the program, guiding and bringing all to align their minds and hearts with Yoga, and by the end of each class, the space and everything in and around it would become palpably quiet, still, and filled with peacefulness.
And there were also times in which Shri Mahayogi pulled together new attendees at the end and offered to answer their questions. In these intimate moments, Shri Mahayogi generously and compassionately transmitted the teaching of Truth, which seemed to calm the tears that some shed as they described their life struggle, while bringing joyous exchanges of
laughter with others.
No one can deny that much has transpired since Shri Mahayogi’s return to Japan, both in New York and around the world, and for many, the past three months have brought significant changes and ample uncertainty. Yet, the great gift of Shri Mahayogi’s presence and this unparalleled opportunity we have had in New York to spend time learning from the Master continues to reverberate strongly in our hearts, and the teachings that come from these concentrated times with Shri Mahayogi can provide sustenance and inspiration not only to those who experienced them first hand, but even to those who read or come to hear about them now and later on.
We are very happy to announce that each of the four Satsangha that Shri Mahayogi offered during this visit have already been or will soon be published in Pranavadipa, Mahayogi Yoga Mission’s online publication of study material (Volumes 64, 65, 66, and 67).
Even if you were unable to attend the Satsangha, we hope that you will read, study and be filled by the spiritual grace that abounds in each and every word and interaction that transpired in the presence of Shri Mahayogi. Even the moments of silence, which are often overflowing the most with this profound grace, can be felt as we read.
Every moment provides us with an opportunity to practice Yoga, every moment provides us with an opportunity that may not come again—every moment is precious. When it comes to the teaching of Truth and the opportunity to put Yoga into practice, may we all strive to not take for granted a single moment that we are given, past, present or future.