Wednesday April 6, 2022 NYC
Sanatana Dharma Avatara Mela
—The 5th Grand Ceremony of the Divine Manifestations—
Sanatana Dharma, the Eternal Truth always exists as the essence of the entire universe, and all things. No matter which way the world turns, Sanatana Dharma, always emerges, its brilliance shining forth through the sacred forms of the Avatara, the Great Awakened Beings. No matter the era, no matter the form, no matter the happenings, Sanatana Dharma, the Eternal Truth, is always there, everywhere and in everything, and it is Pure Joy. That’s a promise.
However, because our minds are clouded with the filter of our desires and attachments, our minds are not able to see that Sanatana Dharma. That is why the Avatara have appeared in the world, to demonstrate Sanatana Dharma so that we can regain sight of It, and taste the Pure Joy that It Is. It is solely because of the appearance of the Avatara, the true Guru of the world, that we can come to know that the Eternal Truth is within us, and can walk the path toward It.
Sanatana Dharma Avatara Mela, The Grand Ceremony of the Divine Manifestations, is a great opportunity to acknowledge the existences of the Avatara, including those who have appeared already and those who will appear in the future, and the great works that originate with them. And it is a precious gift given to us by Shri Mahayogi, as it is a time for us to come together, to heighten and expand our aspiration towards the Universal and Eternal Truth and towards all the Avatara who have appeared in this world time and time again for the sake of all of humanity.
On April 3rd 2022, the 5th Sanatana Dharma Avatara Mela was celebrated with disciples in Japan, Taiwan and the USA gathering together online at the feet of our Revered Master, Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa.
Seven messages from various disciples of Shri Mahayogi were shared for the occasion, which all came from their experiences of how they’ve been working towards realizing this invisible Truth within themselves and how they’ve been acting on that in turn within the world;
regardless of their respective backgrounds and life situations, their experiences of what
they have perceived about what Sanatana Dharma is, is coming through the demonstration of the way their ideal Holy Being lives
All of the messages, full of admiration and gratitude toward the Master and toward the Avatara, expressed firm commitment and devotion to proceed forth boldly towards each of their highest aims, respectively. And each message was inspiring because what each disciple spoke came from their long-time, single-minded empirical practice.
Besides messages, there was a video digest of one of the Divine Plays that was created and performed by the Sangha in Japan, and originally offered during one of the past celebrations of Satguru Jayanti that was held at the Mahayogi Yoga Ashrama in Kyoto. Titled, “A Handful of Rice,” it depicted the story of Saint Sudama, who devoted to God Krishna, portraying the importance of offering pure love to God and the unfathomable Grace of God, both of which bring one towards absolute Joy.
Sadhya, from New York, offered a message titled, Sanatana Dharma and Asana, along with her demonstration of Asana. The concentration and power in her demonstration was breathtaking, suggesting that there is a secret and a deep significance within the Asana that Shri Mahayogi is conveying to us; as Shri Mahayogi has said, “The true meaning of Asana is to abide in Brahman.”
The inspiration we have received from the presence and speeches of each of the seven gurubai will become the motive for us to proceed forward on the path towards our aim. Definitely, Sanatana Dharma Avatara Mela reminds us, deep within our hearts, of what the most important thing is, what’s at the core of the life that we are living, even in the midst of facing the uncertain circumstances of our current world.
It is clear that our work is to grow and establish ourselves more and more in Yoga, so that that bright Light of Eternal Truth, can shine forth. What strength it brings to know the Avatara are always with us, that the Light of Eternal Truth is always with us. The existence of Shri Mahayogi brings us confidence that this is a promise. We should allow ourselves to be concretely led to the Sanatana Dharma that is already unfolding within the shapes and forms of our own life situations.
At the end of Sanatana Dharma Avatara, Mela, we were able to see Shri Mahayogi!!!!!!!
Again and again, we are struck by his overwhelming presence. And in his majestic and unparalleled Siddhasana, the Perfect Seat, Shri Mahayogi offered us his words. Shri Mahayogi is our source of life—if there is anything that encourages us to keep going, it is the presence of our Guru. We are eternally grateful.
“I am truly pleased in hearing all the messages,
full of purity, faith and love,
and I feel from them how you’ve matured.
May you all be and come to be shining and flooded with
that which is Holy more and more.
Always, always, I am with you.”
—Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa
Jai Sanatana Dharma Ki, Jai