Wed Mar 8th, 2017 06:17 am, NYC
EDITOR’S NOTE: Pranavadipa Vol. 28
Sincerity in practice and the pure faith of Yoga will surely lead to the direct experience of the Truth. This message resonates throughout this month’s issue of Pranavadipa as Shri Mahayogi responds over the course of several Satsangha (between 2015 and 2016) to the genuine and honest questions of a group of mothers from the Prema Yoga Circle who have been practicing Yoga under his guidance.

Prema Yoga Circle
The Prema Yoga Circle was started in September 2013 in Osaka by three disciples who were naturally brought together by the same goal. These three women—Nirmala, Suditi, and Ms. Suematsu—are all mothers and all are seeking the Truth, even as they fulfill their familial responsibilities. It was about five years prior that they met Shri Mahayogi and began to learn Yoga. And in fact, it was through learning and actually applying the practice of Yoga into their lives, while working hard doing house-work and raising (small) children, that they experienced their mind and body being uplifted and becoming lighter. They truly felt the greatness of Yoga in daily life, and out of their hope to share Yoga with others, they initiated these activities.

Nirmala (Ms. Hamaguchi)

Suditi (Ms. Akasaka)
The members of the Prema Yoga Circle meet once a week to practice asana and meditation in a communal residential space for one and a half hours during a weekday morning. Since last year, they have also met for Bhakti Sangham (kirtan class) four times a year, led by Mirabai. And in addition, they meet twice a year for Yoga Talks, in which they occasionally invite a senior disciple to share with them, or they share and discuss their experiences of bringing the teachings of Yoga into practice within their daily activities as mothers and householders.
In reading the questions that the mothers ask Shri Mahayogi and following the nature of their conversation, one can feel the simple sincerity with which they yearn for the Truth and with which they proactively seek to put Shri Mahayogi’s words into action in whatever way they can, no matter the circumstance.
But perhaps most inspiring is the Testimony, which is the Jayanti speech offered to Shri Mahayogi by Nirmala, just this past November, 2016. Nirmala speaks with clarity about her ideal and how she wishes to truly live established in karma yoga and bhakti yoga. In her words come the true testimony of the practice! We can see through Nirmala’s practice, and the understanding that she has gained through her own experience, the result that has come from sincerely applying the teachings that Shri Mahayogi spoke during the various Satsangha leading up to that moment!
Her Testimony is our testimony—that anyone in any circumstance can practice and attain Yoga, as long as we really practice concretely with passion and a sincere heart.

Prema Yoga Circle
Pranavadipa is a Monthly Publication of Online Study Material containing the Teachings of Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa & the Experiences of Practitioners that is available by annual subscription. A new volume of Pranavadipa is issued on the 8th of every month.