Saturday March 10, 2018 NYC
Schedule of Satsangha:
● 3/22(Thu)19:30 @SPACE YOGA
● 3/24 (Sat) 14:30 @JOYFUL LIVING
● 3/25(Sun)14:30 @JOYFUL LIVING
● 3/27(Tue)19:30 @JOYFUL LIVING
May this coming visit to Taiwan awaken in the hearts of the people their inherent yearning for Truth, for Yoga, and may those who have had the great blessing of meeting Shri Mahayogi already carry that seed of Truth in their own hearts and spread it far and wide, to the people of Taiwan and beyond!
For more informationt:
Editor’s Note: Pranavadipa Volume 40

Satsangha at Joyful Living, Taipei 2017
Graciously responding to the request of disciples and seekers in Taiwan, Shri Mahayogi will soon visit Taipei. The first time he visited Taiwan was in May 2017, so this will mark his third visit within one year! Surely the people of Taiwan must truly hunger for the Truth in order for the yearning of their hearts to draw the Master back once more this year.
This month’s issue of Pranavadipa (Volume 40) contains the third of four Satsangha that were held during Shri Mahayogi’s first visit to Taiwan. We believe that for our subscribers in Taiwan this translation will be especially good to read as a reminder in preparation of the Satsangha before Shri Mahayogi’s arrival! And of course, for all of our subscribers, this Satsangha serves as an inspiration for all who thirst for answers.
The questions contained within seem so simple and straightforward, yet they come from a profound place of true seeking. Within the interactions between attendees and Shri Mahayogi, there is no pretense and it feels as though attendees are really looking for practical guidance of how to apply the practice of Yoga in their everyday situations. And all attendees seemed to be intensely drawn to Shri Mahayogi, simply because of his existence, taking very seriously the opportunity to meet a living Master of Yoga, not knowing whether the opportunity would ever arise again. During that first visit Shri Mahayogi planted the seed of Truth, and as it begins to sprout, he is carefully watching over it.

Satsangha at Space Yoga, Taipei 2017
Shri Mahayogi visited Taiwan for the second time last year for nine days, from October 19th to 27th. Three Satsangha were held and over one hundred people participated. Many had eagerly anticipated meeting Shri Mahayogi again, while others met him for the first time, after having missed the last opportunity. From beginning to end, Shri Mahayogi expounded upon the Truth gently and in detail. Every Satsangha was wonderful and fulfilling.
Besides Satsangha, Shri Mahayogi also allowed opportunities for gurubhai in Taiwan to interact with him on several occasions. In each situation, Shri Mahayogi answered various questions from them, and gave blessings and sincere words that helped propel everyone further along on the path. Every situation spontaneously became a Satsangha.
Now, the testimony in this issue is a translation of an article that was contributed to Paramahamsa (a bi-monthly publication in Japan) and is written by a new staff member in Taiwan, Zhao Yuan, after Shri Mahayogi’s second visit in October.
Zhao Yuan, a graphic designer, had already become involved with making the flyer for Shri Mahayogi’s first visit, before even meeting Shri Mahayogi. And after meeting him and being inspired by the Master’s presence, he has spontaneously started to participate and support the activities of our sangha in Taiwan more and more, and is now walking the path along with us. With depth in his simple and straightforward, yet beautifully expressed writing, Zhao Yuan gives testimony to what he has recognized through practice about the true significance of having had the opportunity to learn from Shri Mahayogi.
And in addition to Zhao Yuan’s article, we would like to share here the translation of another article that appeared in Paramahamsa, which is written by Prasadini, who has been central to the activities in Taiwan. Although it may not be that long ago that the sangha in Taiwan began, she herself, along with the new sangha, strive to keep walking on the path itself. And Prasadini’s candid and sincere writing, reflecting exactly that, also brings us fresh energy and much inspiration.
After Shri Mahayogi’s Second Visit to Taiwan:
To Learn Yoga is to Transform the Mind
After Shri Mahayogi’s visit in May, Taiwan entered a period of scorching weather. In Taipei, we continued to have Asana and Meditation Class twice a week, and Meditation Group every other week. Both events at times had many attendees, while at other times, there would be very few. After having received the joy of our hearts being suddenly opened, we all went back to the routine of our busy daily lives. Perhaps everyone may have noticed that even if you meet Shri Mahayogi a few times, your original life does not change that much. The relationships you must face, various issues with family, and personal financial situations, continue to exist. At the same time, I suppose that having been given so much encouragement and having the fire of passion lit by Shri Mahayogi, many of us have felt that there is something that is different than before.
During class or meditation, we have continued to ponder further and debate Shri Mahayogi’s teachings, and also to discuss how we can check the challenges that occur in our daily lives against the Truth. In fact, we have begun to realize that in actuality that is the difficult part. How can we live in conformity with Truth? Even if we know the right thing to do, why do we resist? Why can’t we do it? We have all struggled in the past five months, following Shri Mahayogi’s first visit. However, we are very blessed. Shri Mahayogi, deeply merciful and compassionate, visited Taiwan again after five months. Shri Mahayogi must have heard the cries within our hearts.
Three Satsangha were held during Shri Mahayogi’s visit in October. In the last visit, for almost everyone, it was the first time to meet Shri Mahayogi, but this time, over half of the participants met him for the second time. Participants deepened their trust towards Shri Mahayogi, and became more honest and willing to open up when they asked him questions.
“Shri Mahayogi, will I be able to become vegetarian as I practice Yoga? I enjoy eating meat.”
“Shri Mahayogi, how can I make my mind transparent?”
“Shri Mahayogi, I am afraid of the unknown and of death. What can I do?”
A variety of questions were addressed to Shri Mahayogi. At times, we kept asking questions about the same topic, until our minds could understand the answers. Observing this, suddenly, a thought came to my mind—people are bound by their own thoughts and beliefs, and that is how suffering and pain-bearing obstacles are created…
However, in Satsangha, Shri Mahayogi taught:
“The mind must be completely transformed. The mind has reincarnated countless times [in the past]. And it is obscured by the accumulated pain-bearing obstacles and ignorance. So it is required that the mind become clean and transparent. It’s not easy to do in just two years—truly it requires as much as spending one’s entire life in order to do it. So do not hurry, but you must practice earnestly and seriously. Then, positive changes are sure to happen one after another. And then realize the Truth some day in this lifetime.”
Upon hearing this, I saw that some people had tears in their eyes, perhaps they finally understood the purpose of the efforts they had been making, or perhaps they were finally able to let go of anxiety or self-loathing.
Fear, hate, attachment, sadness—whatever we pick, what we are facing is actually our own minds. However, the mind’s habits are much more stubborn than we can even imagine. Even if it hears the words of Truth once, the mind may make excuses and take the path of least resistance. But, at that moment when we all thought it was very difficult to transform the mind, Shri Mahayogi did not mention whether it was difficult or easy, but instead he encouraged us again to just keep practicing. Indeed, there is no need to feel down by the preconceived notion that it is difficult to make a change in the mind: we just have to continue to discipline ourselves to apply the teachings and put them into action.
After the third Satsangha ended, I thought about it again. What amazing work Shri Mahayogi is doing! Our stubborn heads bind us with dark doubts and suffering, but Shri Mahayogi shines rays of light onto them from many different directions, with his humorous words, filled with compassion and wisdom. We cannot solve these difficult queries with our own intellect but only Shri Mahayogi’s existence can bring about absolute transformation. For this one week, we were so fortunate to be able to receive this gentle, direct instruction from Shri Mahayogi.
We will continue to learn and make an effort to apply the teachings and put them into action. Shri Mahayogi, please visit us again in Taiwan to continue to guide us!