Monday Dec 10, 2018 NYC

Lord Krishna Lord Shiva
Director’s Note: New Cycle of Pranavadipa Beginning Volume 49
On December 8th, we began a new 12-month cycle of Pranavadipa, our online publication. To start off the new subscription cycle we would like to share with you the words of one of our readers:
“Pranavadipa is inspirational, meaning that it constantly reminds me and brings the mind back to what is important. Also it is a tremendous resource and a place where I can read and try to understand the application of the teachings through the testimonies of the practitioners, who are like me. Also it provides a way for me to connect my mind over and over again to Shri Mahayogi, knowing that every time I read, it is like I am attending a new Satsangha.”
In the first issue of the new cycle (Vol. 49), one of the main topics of discussion in the Satsangha is the direct intuitive knowledge that arises as a result of practicing Yoga, which is unlike any type of knowledge we are commonly familiar with as a result of our educational background or daily experiences. Shri Mahayogi straightforwardly teaches about the importance of proactive discrimination within the mind in order to create the proper condition for this type of knowledge to arise and about how to tackle the issues within the mind so that we can walk the path of Yoga, directly towards Satori (Awakening).
The Testimony in this issue features the congratulatory speech offered to Shri Mahayogi during Satguru Jayanti by Harshani, a disciple living in Tokyo. As she expresses her gratitude towards Shri Mahayogi, the reader also gets a concrete and practical glimpse of how one can apply the teaching of Yoga in everyday life activities and how doing so can bring true transformation.
If you have not yet renewed your subscription for the new cycle, we encourage you to do so. And if you have never subscribed before, we invite you to subscribe this year and discover for yourself what makes Pranavadipa a truly unique and invaluable resource for anyone wishing to follow the path of Truth or for anyone who simply wishes to live and appreciate the preciousness of life to its fullest.