Echo from The Cave:27

Wed Sep 9th, Tue 15th, Wed 16th, Sun 20th, Tue 22nd 2015, NYC

NY Sangha proudly put the MYM T-shirt on.

Right after delivery of the MYM T-shirts       At the Still Mind Zendo

Just picked up the MYM T-shirts at the Cave

With the MYM T-shirt on a skateboard, her go-cart right now~
At Astoria Site

Stopped by the Cave. So here he is with the MYM T-shirt~

The MYM T-shirt was waiting for you~ At the Still Mind Zend

After the meditation
Wearing the MYM T-shirt At the Cave

We are All Children of Shri Mahayogi!!!

Jai Gurudeva!!!  Om Tat Sat, Om!!!

Echo from The Cave:26

Wed Aug 5th, 2015 1:00 am Manhattan, NYC


さまらさの表紙 The Kitchen of SAMARASA,
The Way of Cooking in Yoga

Based on the teachings of Shri Mahayogi and their application by practitioners.
Published by


 A RECEIVER’S VOICE: Pranavadipa Vol. 8

You are What You Eat

Before reading the latest article in Pranavadipa I never really gave much seriousness to my diet or how a meal came to be in front of me. Not that I ate junk food, but I never really put much thought into my meals and the effects they have on me. In the article, “The Essence of Diet in Yoga,” the last sentence reads ” ‘Eating’ is directly related to ‘living.’ What we choose to eat and how much we eat—by considering these aspects of our diet, our dietary lifestyle becomes an opportunity for us to inquire into the essence of our lives and how we ought to live.” Our diet is piercing into the essence of the state of our mind.

Speaking from my personal experience, I have observed that my eating habits or sudden urges for a particular food usually reflect the state of my mind; whether the mind is in a state dominated by the quality of sattva, rajas or tamas. Naturally, when asana is practiced regularly the mind has more of the quality of sattva and I tend to desire more vegetarian-style meals; then there are those times when my cravings are meatier and I tend to eat until I am full. During these times it becomes clear that my mind is in a state in which rajas or tamas prevails. My judgements are not usually the best, and old habits become more difficult to fight. As the saying goes “you are what you eat.” It is important to remember that eating is the transfer of energy, from one life form to another, to further its existence. That energy comes to be manifested in us, and can be restless or calm.  In The Universal Gospel of Yoga, Shri Mahayogi speaks of Gandi and how by controlling his diet he was able to gain control of his tongue and sexual energy.

In addition to the types of foods we eat and how they affect our mental state, the attitude we have towards our meals will also influence the mind.

From correct portion size to the importance of balancing how a meal is seasoned, proper nutrition is vital to support our bodies as we aim to realize the goal of Yoga. In showing gratitude towards each meal for how it got to our table—from the grocery store clerk, to the driver who transports, to the farmer who plants and to God who nourishes the plant to grow—and in taking the time to appreciate these processes, we begin to recognize that all things in nature co-exist and support each other. As practitioners of Yoga, having a yogic diet that is primarily vegetarian, as well as balanced and nutritious, greatly aids us in the battle to control the mind. Being mindful and showing deep appreciation for nature’s co-existence, I now give much more thought as to how much I eat, what I eat, and what kind of energy I want to incur, calm or restless.  I offer gratitude for each component that gave up its life energy so that I am able to sustain and nourish this body.




The Kitchen of SAMARASA, The Way of Cooking in Yoga
Based on the teachings of Shri Mahayogi and their application by practitioners.
Published by the MAHAYOGI YOGA MISSION Kyoto, May 2015
(Book in Japanese)

If you would like to order a copy, please contact MYM, New York.





Pranavadipa  is a Monthly Publication of Online Study Material containing the Teachings of Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa & the Experiences of Practitioners that is available by annual subscription. A new volume of Pranavadipa is issued on the 8th of every month, that means this Saturday August 8th!!!

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Echo from The Cave:25

Tue July 8th, 2015 5:32 am Manhattan, NYC IMG_4748

A flower from the special class with Shri Mahayogi before he returned to Japan.
PRANAVADIPA Issue #8 is published today!



A note on Satsangha:

“Under the Guidance of my Master, I Must Become Holy.”

These are the words written by Ms. Shibasaki, now called Yukti, in the article she wrote that is posted on the Mahayogi Yoga Mission’s website, ”Searching for God’s Love”. Written in 2012, our sister shares with us the story of her search for the answer to a burning question, how best to serve the dying, and the answer, which, after much searching, arrived through the words of Mother Theresa: “Be holy.” One can feel Yukti’s determination and dedication to really find the way to practice this, to practice “being holy.” And, although she wrote this article fairly recently, this conviction and willingness to practice seems to be something that has been evident in her practice for many years.

The Satsangha published in this month’s issue of PRANAVADIPA just so happens to center primarily around conversations between Yukti and Shri Mahayogi that took place in Kyoto, Japan in 1998, about fourteen years before the aforementioned article was written. At that time Yukti had only been practicing with the Mission for one year, but within this one year she had experienced a significant transformation and had completely healed from a condition that almost took her life, simply by diligently and seriously practicing Yoga in precisely the way that Shri Mahayogi guided her.

In reading through her questions, which are so direct and honest to her situation, in reading Shri Mahayogi’s responses, in which he is so gracious and generous in providing detail, and in reflecting on Yukti’s more recent experience, it is so interesting and fascinating to see how Shri Mahayogi has guided her seamlessly along a path that seems to be so appropriate for her particular propensities. In this Satsangha, Shri Mahayogi speaks about how both the Buddha and the Christ taught according to the needs of each individual and their situation. He intertwines various teachings of the Christ and expounds upon the essence of their meaning with precision and purity. He even mentions the importance of being in Holy company, which, from a slightly different angle, is redelivered to Yukti so many years later. It is hard to say whether anyone could have foreseen the path that Yukti would follow so many years after this Satsangha took place, going on to understand various aspects of Yoga through the lens of Christian teachings, and even writing a series of articles about Mother Theresa and another series about Teresa of Lisieux. Nonetheless, from this Satsangha, it seems that since the beginning, Shri Mahayogi guided her in this direction and by taking in his teachings with faith and the seriousness to apply them in practice she allowed herself to be guided.

The interactions (questions and answers) between Shri Mahayogi and Yukti reveal how the Master guides the soul ever closer to the realization of Truth. The Master continuously reflects the level of willingness and seriousness to practice and yearning for Truth that is present in the disciple. There is beauty in their interactions, as they arise out of the trusting and respectful relationship between Master and disciple that is Love.


Our Beloved Shri Mahayogi, Pranam to your beautiful and holy feet…


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Pranavadipa  is a Monthly Publication of Online Study Material containing the Teachings of Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa & the Experiences of Practitioners that is available by annual subscription. A new volume of Pranavadipa is issued on the 8th of every month.

Echo from The Cave:24

Mon June 8th, 2015 5:24 am Manhattan, NYC



Pranavadipa Issue #7 is published today!


EDITORS NOTE: Pranavadipa 7

A note on Satsangha:
Have you ever wondered what state of mind is necessary to practice Yoga and under what conditions such a state of mind arises? These questions are at the heart of this month’s Satsangha, in Issue #7 of Pranavadipa, in which only our brother, Sanatana (Mr. Hotta at that time), is asking questions to Shri Mahayogi.

Sanatana begins by seeking guidance from Shri Mahayogi about an idea for a book that he would like to write, the purpose of which would be to stabilize the reader’s mind and in so doing, prepare it to understand the teachings of the Truth.

In reading and trying to understand the conversation between our Master and Sanatana, it is amazing for me to see how Sanatana is truly using his lived experience of practicing Shri Mahayogi’s teachings to understand how to write this book.

In seeking Shri Mahayogi’s guidance for the book, it is evident that he is also seeking guidance in deepening the thoroughness of his own practice, exemplifying the necessity for us to deepen our understanding and experience of Truth in order to serve others. Shri Mahayogi’s responses reflect the depth and thoroughness of Sanatana’s own willingness and readiness to receive and practice the teachings and both provide us with an example of how we too can deepen our practice.


 A note on “What is Yoga?”:
Mr. Shimada, who contributes the series of articles titled “What is Yoga?”, was just in New York for nine days during Shri Mahayogi’s last visit.

We were fortunate to have the pleasure of meeting him and at the end of a Wednesday class there was an opportunity for the NY Sangha to ask him questions about his experience and for him to ask us questions as well. I asked him about his process of writing the articles for “What is Yoga?”. I was curious to know how he went about writing them. For example, did he know the topics beforehand and then spend a month meditating and practicing to understand each topic before writing, or what?

He answered that “no, that was not how it was at all.” To begin he shared that he was asked by a senior disciple to write a series of articles for the newsletter in Japan, Paramahaṃsa. He thinks that most likely he was asked to do so because he would be able to learn so much from doing it and because he needed to deepen his practice!

The way he went about it was to look at himself and his way of being before being introduced to the practice of Yoga in comparison to now, after he has been practicing for 4 or 5 years. When doing so he began to write whatever came to mind and out of that the topics naturally arose on their own.

I found this so fascinating because it seems to me that it is out of Mr. Shimada’s comparison that it becomes evident how, by following the teaching of our Master, he has experienced many different aspects of what Yoga is. And what’s more, through his experience we can see that it is unmistakable that one can truly begin to transform oneself through the practice of Yoga!

In this month’s article, Mr. Shimada again shares with us the sincerity of his experience of daily practice and in so doing reminds us of the importance of not giving up at the mere thought of practice being beyond our capability, and strengthens our faith that we too can experience the truth of Shri Mahayogi’s teachings if we practice them and gradually bring our thoughts, words and deeds to unite as one.

Mr. Shimada provides a quote from Shri Mahayogi in this article that is so simple and inspiring that every time I read it my mind comes to a halt:

“If you would like to receive a treasure, get rid of the junk in your hand.”

Shri Mahayogi





May the experiences of our brothers inspire us and bring passion and faith to our day-to-day practice so that we can all exemplify the Truth or our Beloved Master’s teachings!


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Echo from The Cave:23

Sun May 31th, 2015 10:00 pm Manhattan, NYC

After having been blessed by the presence of our Master, Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa, for the past three months, disciples and attendees came together this Sunday one last time to receive his teachings and guidance before his return to Kyoto, Japan. At the end of the Asana and Meditation class, Aniruddha spoke on behalf of the disciples in NY to express the immense gratitude we have for our beloved Master.




“On behalf of all the brothers and sisters in New York,
I would like to express to you our gratitude

and say thank you for inspiring us these past three months

with your teachings, guidance and wisdom.

It is a great honor and privilege for us to serve both you and the mission.

Your physical presence
always brings us so much joy
as well as a renewed commitment to deepen our practice

and realization to prove,
Shri Mahayogi,

that your teachings are indeed the Truth.
In you, Shri Mahayogi,

our Guru,
is the Living example of True existence itself embodied in physical form.

It is through you
that we have come to know the true Self.

It is through you

that we began to feel its essence.

And it will be through you, our Guru,
that we will experience the full essence of Atman.
From all of us,

thank you Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa.

With the greatest l
ove we wish you a safe trip home,

but truly we are also anticipating the news of your return

so that we can be in your presence once more.
Thank you very much from the bottom of our heart!”


私たちのグル、 シュリー・マハーヨーギー、
それでも本当は、 再度そばにいられるように、



Shri Mahayogi, our Beloved,
Until the moment when we may rejoice in Your coming again,

May our hearts and minds rest solely in You.

Jai Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa Ki, Jai!!!!!


IMG_4740The offering of the flowers to Shri Mahayogi
was then arranged by the Master in the vase that night.

Om Tat Sat, Om!


Echo from The Cave:22

Sun May 18th, 2015 10:00 pm Manhattan, NYC


At this special class with Shri Mahayogi on May 10th,
Master offers the following words:



“The purpose of Yoga is to realize the Truth.
Where does Truth exist?
It exists within the depths of the heart.
In actuality, Truth exists everywhere.
However, in the physical body,
this is the place where it is easiest to grasp—
it is considered to be the seat or the dwelling of the true Self.

Neither the mind nor the ego is the true Self.
The mind is always seen by the Pure Consciousness.
Only the Pure Consciousness knows the mind.

People are born out of karma, and act based on their karma in this world.
But that is not the true way of living.
The true way of living is to live based on the Truth,
which means to realize the true Self.
In doing so,
the mind and the body become the tools or the servants of the true Master.

The Truth, first, must be heard.
Then it must be pondered upon deeply.
And then it must be meditated upon.
By doing so,
the Truth will be realized.

I will see you next week.

  —Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa

Jai Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa Ki Jai!!!



“Scopul invatarurii Yoga este de a cunoaste adevarul.
Unde se afla Adevarul?
Acesta exista in adancul inimii.
In realitate, adevarul exista peste tot.
Totusi, in corpul fizic,
acesta este locul unde este cel mai usor de a fi dobandit–
este considerat ca fiind locul unde salasluieste Sinele adevarat.

Nici mintea, nici egoul nu este Sinele adevarat.
Mintea este vazuta intotdeauna de catre Constiinta Pura.
Numai Constiinta Pura cunoaste mintea.

Oamenii se nasc din cauza karmei,
si actioneaza in lumea asta in functie de karma lor.
Dar acesta nu este adevaratul mod de viata.
Adevaratul mod de viata este in a trai bazat pe Adevar,
ceea ce implica cunoasterea Sinelui adevarat.
In acest mod,
mintea si corpul devin uneltele sau servitorii adevaratului Stapan.

Mai intai, Adevarul trebuie auzit.
Dupa care trebuie gandit profund asupra Lui.
Si dupa care, trebuie meditat asupra Lui.
Facand asta,
Adevarul va fi dobandit.

Am sa va vad saptamana viitoare.”

—Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa








—真理上師 聖 大瑜伽士 至尊天鵞









Humbly, we bow to you, our Beloved Master…

Echo from The Cave:21

Sun April 12th, 2015 9:00 pm Manhattan, NYC

At the end of this special class with Shri Mahayogi, Master offers the following words:


“The mind and the world are constantly changing.
It is just like a dream that the mind creates.
You are not the mind. 
The mind is seen.
Then who is seeing the mind?
It is the consciousness who sees the mind, the Pure-Consciousness who knows the mind,
and That is your true Self.
That alone is Reality.
Realize That—Realize its truth in meditation and in everyday life.”

 Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa


 Jai Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa Ki Jai!!!


La mente y el mundo están en constante cambio.
Es como un sueño creado por la mente.
Tu no eres la mente.
La mente es vista.
¿Pues entonces quien está viendo a la mente?
La conciencia es quien ve a la mente; la Conciencia Pura es quien conoce a la mente,
y Esta es tu verdadero Ser.
Solo esto es la Realidad.
Realiza Eso; Realiza ésta verdad en la meditación y en tu vida diaria.


Mintea si lumea se schimba constant.
E la fel ca si un vis pe care il creaza mintea.
Voi nu sunteti mintea.
Mintea este vazuta.
Atunci, cine vede mintea?
Constiinta este aceea care vede mintea, Constiinta pura cunoaste mintea,
si Acea Constiinta este Sinele tau Adevarat.
Numai Aceasta singura este Realitatea.
Realizeaza Aceasta Constiinta—realizeaza Adevarul Acesteia in meditatie si in viata de zi cu zi.







Humbly, we bow to you, our Beloved Master…
-From the ASANA & MEDITATION CLASS WITH SHRI MAHAYOGI on April 12, 2015 New York City

Echo from The Cave:20

Sun March 29th, 2015 9:00 pm Manhattan, NYC

At the end of this special class with Shri Mahayogi, Anandamali asked the Master if he would accept questions from the attendees or if he would offer any words. Shri Mahayogi answered that he had blessed the two hours of class in silence, and that he would like to end it without disturbing the silence.

Just as the class was about to end, remembering that Ekanta had shared with her the gratitude and awe that he had for Shri Mahayogi and how he had wished to express these feelings at the end of the prior last class but instead had refrained himself, Anandamali spontaneously asked Ekanta if he would like to share any words.

Then, Ekanta, looking overwhelmed and blushing, began to speak slowly, pausing from time to time:

Thank you, Shri Mahayogi, for taking on a body and coming to this planet, for coming to New York.
When I first came to the class two or three years ago, after two weeks Anandamali asked if I had been practicing every day… It was from that point on that I began to practice every day… I was blown away. How calm my mind was! Is this Voo Doo? I couldn’t believe it… Thank you… for bringing this technique to us….”

We are so honored and blessed! Upon hearing Ekanta,
our Master offers the following words…



“The Truth is already within each one of you. However, the mind gets in the way of you realizing That. If you can restrain and still the mind, then the Truth will emerge by itself. It is like waking up in the morning. At that moment, you will see that the past was just like a dream. The issue is, how quickly can you make this realization happen?

For more than three or four thousand years, Yoga has been studying and developing the method by which to realize this Truth. One of the discoveries in the wisdom of Yoga is that the mind and breath are closely related. This is exactly the same as what you experience every day. When you are upset or overexcited, the breath is disturbed. When the mind is peaceful, or in deep sleep, or when you are very content, the breath becomes still as if it has stopped. The mind being immersed in joy—therein lies the concrete secret of this Yoga. To control the mind is difficult, but to control the breath is easy. Controlling the breath is the same as controlling the body. The asana you did today helps you prepare for this and [advance in] that process.

A Great Being once said, “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. Tomorrow will take care of itself.” This means that there is no need to suffer every day. Practice asana and meditation every day. If you do so, the wind [of suffering] will blow elsewhere. This undertaking requires perseverance. But consider this deeply—the result of many, many past lives is the life you are living now. Accomplish your life’s grand project [of Realizing the True Self] in this lifetime. Realize it while you are still alive, nay, Realize it even sooner. Practice Yoga with passion. If you do so, you can Realize it in one week. And, the Realization [of That] will be experienced nowhere but within you. That is your True Self. There is nothing that exists but the Absolute Existence. Therefore, That is the Truth of God. You are Absolute Existence, and you are Eternal God. Yes—Awaken to That, even this very night.

I will see you again. “

 Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa


 Jai Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa Ki Jai!!!


Ekanta: Gracias Shri Mahayogi, por tomar un cuerpo y venir a este planeta, por venir a Nueva York. Hace dos o tres años atrás, como dos semanas después de empezar a tomar la clase, Anandamali me preguntó si había estado practicando todos los días.
Fué entonces que empecé a practicar todos los días. ¡Quedé sorprendido! ¡Cuán calmada estaba mi mente! ¿Será vudú? No lo podía creer. Gracias… por traernos esta técnica.

MAESTRO: La Verdad está ya dentro de cada uno de ustedes, pero la mente es un obstáculo que no permite que la realicen. Si pudieras restringir la mente y aquietarla, la Verdad emergería por sí misma. Es como despertarse en la mañana. En ese momento verás el pasado simplemente como un sueño. El asunto es qué tan rápido puedes hacer que esta realización suceda.

Durante más de tres o cuatro mil años, el Yoga ha estudiado y desarrollado el método para realizar esta Verdad. Uno de los descubrimientos de la sabiduría yógica es que la mente y la respiración están estrechamente vinculadas. Esto es lo mismo que experimentas día a día. Si estás molesto o emocionado en extremo, la respiración se altera. Si la mente está en paz o si estás soñando profundamente o cuando estás muy contento, la respiración se aquieta como si se hubiera detenido. La mente sumergida en dicha: es aquí dónde yace el secreto de lo que llamamos el Yoga. Controlar la mente es difícil, pero controlar la respiración es fácil. Controlar la respiración es lo mismo que controlar el cuerpo. El asana que practicaron hoy contribuye para que se prepararen para esto y para [acelerar] este proceso.

Un gran ser dijo: “Por tanto, no se preocupen por el día de mañana; porque el día de mañana se cuidará de sí mismo. Bástele a cada día sus propios problemas.” Quiere decir que no hay necesidad de sufrir todos los días. Practica asanay medita todos los días. Si así lo haces, el viento soplará en otra dirección. Esta tarea requiere perseverancia; pero piénsalo detenidamente: el resultado de muchas, muchas vidas pasadas es la vida que estás viviendo en este momento. Cumple tu mayor propósito de vida: [realizar el Verdadero Ser] en esta vida. Realízalo mientras estás vivo; no, mejor aún: antes. Practica el Yoga apasionadamente. De este modo vas a poder Realizarlo en una semana. Además, esta Realización no ocurrirá en ningún otro lugar más que dentro de ti. Eso es tu Verdadero Ser. No existe nada más que la Existencia Absoluta. Por tanto, Esa es la Verdad de Dios. Eres Existencia Absoluta, y eres el Dios Eterno. Sí, Despierta a Eso, incluso esta misma noche.

Pronto nos veremos otra vez.


Ekanta: Multumim Shri Mahayogi pentru ca va’ti incarnat si ati venit pe planeta aceasta si pentru ca ati venit la New York. Cand am inceput sa vin la clase acum trei ani in urma, dupa doua saptamani Anandamali ma intrebat daca practic in fiecare zi.
Din momentul acela am inceput sa practic zilnic. Am fost shocat. Cat de calma imi era mintea! Asta-i Voo Doo? Nu mi-a venit… Multumim… pentru ca ne’ati adus aceasta tehnica…

GURU: Adevarul este deja in fiecare dintre voi. Totusi, mintea se pune in calea voastra impiedicandu-va sa realizati Aceasta. Daca puteti sa calmati mintea si sa o faceti nemiscata, atunci Adevarul va aparea singur. Este exact ca si cand te trezesti dimineata. In acel moment veti vedea ca trecutul a fost doar un vis. Problema e, cat de repede puteti face aceasta realizare sa se intample.

Pentru mai mult de patru sau cinci mii de ani, Yoga a studiat si construit o metoda cu care se poate realiza Adevarul. Una dintre descoperirile in intelepciunea Yoga este ca mintea si respiratia sunt strans legate. Acest lucru este exact la fel cu ceea ce voi traiti in fiecare zi. Cand sunteti nervosi sau foarte agitati, respiratia este disturbata. Cand mintea este linistita, ori in starea de somn adanc, ori cand sunteti foarte calmi, respiratia devine nemiscata de parca ar fi oprita. Mintea fiind scufundata in fericire—in aceasta consta secretul concret al acestei intelepciuni Yoga. A controla mintea este dificil, dar a controla respiratia este usor. Controlarea respiratie este la fel cu controlarea corpului. Asanele care le-ati practicat azi va ajuta sa va pregatiti si (sa avansati) in acest proces.

O Fiinta Mareata a spus odata, “Nu va ingrijorati, dar, de ziua de maine; caci ziua de maine se va ingrijora de ea insasi. Ajunge zilei necazul ei.” Aceasta inseamna ca nu este necesar a suferi in fiecare zi. Practicati asana si meditatia in fiecare zi. Daca veti face asta, vantul [suferintei] va sufla altundeva. Acest angajament necesita perseverenta. Dar luati asta in considerare profund—Viata pe care o traiti acum este rezultatul la multe si multe vieti din trecut. Dobanditi proiectul grandios al vietii voastre [de a realiza Sinele Adevarat] in viata asta. Realizatil cat sunteti inca in viata, nu, Realizatil chiar mai repede. Practicati Yoga cu passiune. Daca faceti asta, puteti sa’L Realizati intro saptamana. Si, Realizarea [Aceluia] nu va fi traita niciunde numai inantrul vostru. Acela este Sinele vostru Adevarat. Nu exista nimic in afara de Existenta Absoluta. De aceea, Acela este Adevarul Dumnezeiesc. Voi sunteti Existenta Absoluta, si voi sunteti Dumnezeul Etern. Da – Trezitiva in Acela, chiar in seara asta.

 Va voi vedea din nou.


一向: 謝謝你,聖大瑜珈士,謝謝你擁有一個肉體然後來到這個星球,謝謝你來紐約。


大師:真實已經存在於每個人之中。但是,心智妨礙著你,使你無法了解這一點。如果可以駕馭心智,使它安靜下來,真實就會自己顯現出來了。那就像你早上睜開眼醒來一樣,在那一刻,你可以理解過去像是一場夢。問題是, 如何才能早點了悟真實?

從長達三、四千年以前,瑜伽就不斷研究和發展實現真實的方法。眾多智慧裡的其中之一,是發現了心和呼吸之間有著密切的關係。這正好和每個人日常生活經驗相符 : 生氣的時候、高興的時候,呼吸就會紊亂;平靜的時候、熟睡的時候、非常幸福的時候,呼吸好像是停止了一樣。心智沈浸在喜悅中──這裡有瑜伽具體的祕訣。駕馭心智雖然是困難的,但駕馭呼吸卻是容易的。而且控制呼吸和控制身體,是同樣的一件事。今天所做的體位法幫助你去準備(做到這件事)和繼續前進。

有位偉大的存在曾經這麼說過: 「一天的難處一天當就夠了。明天自有明天的憂慮。」這意味著,沒有必要每天受苦。請每天練習體位法和冥想。這樣做的話, 憂慮或痛苦的風自會吹向別處。這個工作需要耐心和毅力。但是請好好思考一下。無數的前世累積而成的結果,就是你的今生。請在今生就完成生涯的一大事業, 在你們還活著的時候…不, 請更早實現它。請,抱著熱情練習瑜伽。這樣做的話,甚至一週以內就能開悟。然後這份實現不是在其他的地方,而是在你自身之內體驗的。那就是你真正的自己。絕對的存在以外,什麼都不存在。因此,「那」就是神的真相。你是絕對的存在,是永遠的神。




 二年か三年前に初めてお会いした時、アーナンダマーリーから毎日実践を行なっているか聞かれた二週間後でした……まさにその時から毎日実践することを始めました。僕はぶっ飛んでしまった。なんという心の静寂!これは何かのまじないでしょうか? ありがとうございます。この方法を与えてくださったことに感謝いたします」







Humbly, we bow to you, our Beloved Master…

-From the ASANA & MEDITATION CLASS WITH SHRI MAHAYOGI on March 29, 2015 New York City


Echo from The Cave:19

Sun March 15th, 2015 9:00 pm Manhattan, NYC

We are so honored that at the end of the ASANA & MEDITATION CLASS WITH THE MASTER,
our venerable Master bestowed Satsamgha on those in attendance.
Among them, there was our new brother, who has been practicing since he discovered the Mission after reading the book, SATORI. He was sitting close to the Master.
The face of our new brother melted upon actually seeing Shri Mahayogi with his own eyes, being with him in the same room and hearing the Master’s answers.
Welcome home, brother!



Kriya yoga means to engage DAILY in the study of sacred scriptures,
asana and pranayama practice, and meditation.
It is to practice these three disciplines every day without fail.

I come here every week in order to check
if all of you are doing
kriya yoga consistently (smiling playfully).”
Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa



“El kriya yoga es aplicarse al estudio DIARIO de las escrituras sagradas,
tanto como a la práctica de asana y pranayama y a la meditación.
Es practicar estas tres disciplinas todos los días sin fallar.

Vengo aquí cada semana para asegurarme de que estén haciendo
su kriya yoga consistentemente (con una sonrisa pícara)”.
-Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa


Kriya yoga inseamana sa te dedici ZILNIC studierii scripturilor sfinte,
asanelor si practica pranayama, si meditatie.
Inseamna a practica aceste trei discipline in fiecare zi fara intrerupere.

Vin aici in fiecare samptamana cu scopul de a verifica
daca toti practicati kriya yoga cu consecventa (zambind jucaus).”
-Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa


-真理上師 聖 大瑜伽士 至尊天鵞








Questions continue…

Q: What is the role of prayer and faith, and the relationship between the two in the path of Yoga?

MASTER: Prayer and faith are not that different in Yoga. Longing for the Truth and longing to realize the Truth, are prayers and, at the same time, faith. The word “Faith” is not used in the Yoga Sutra, however, it states that “Satori is near for those who have intense zeal.” That means, in other words, prayer and faith.

Q: Prayer and faith have to be so strong in order to be transformed into action—how can that be increased?

MASTER: Make your thoughts, words and actions conform with one another. In order to do that, you must carry on with your sadhana, and practice karma yoga toward society starting with what you can do in your present situation.



P: ¿Cuál es el papel de la oración y la fe y la relación entre éstas en el sendero del Yoga? 

MAESTRO: La oración y la fe no son tan diferentes en el Yoga. Aspirar a la Verdad y aspirar a realizar la Verdad es orar y también es tener fe. La palabra “Fe” no aparece en el Sutra del Yoga. Sin embargo, éste dice que “el Satori está cercano para aquellos que tienen una intensa pasión [por la Verdad]”. Esto significa, en otras palabras, oración y fe.

P: La oración y la fe tienen que ser muy fuertes para transformarse en acción… ¿Cómo se pueden aumentar?

MAESTRO: Haz que tus pensamientos, palabras y acciones tengan concordancia ente sí. Para lograr esto tienes que mantener tu sadhana y practicar el karma yoga en torno a la sociedad empezando con lo que puedas hacer dentro de tu situación actual.


Intrebare: Care este rolul rugaciunii si a credintei, si rolul relatiei dintre acestea si calea de Yoga?

Guru: Rugaciunea si credinta nu se diferentiaza prea mult una de alta in Yoga. Tinderea spre adevar si tinderea spre a realiza adevarul, este o rugaciune si in acelasi timp credinta. Cuvantul  “Credinta” nu este folosit in Yoga Sutra, totusi, aceasta ne spune ca “Trezirea este aproape pentru cei ce au un zel arzator.” Cu alte cuvinte, aceasta inseamna si rugaciune si credinta.

Intrebare: Rugaciunea si credinta trebuie sa fie puternice pentru a fi transformate in actiune—cum pot fi acestea marite?

Guru: Facetiva gandurile, cuvintele si actiunile in concordanta una cu cealalalta. In scopul de a realiza acest lucru, trebuie sa va desfasurati in continuare sadhana, si sa practicati karma yoga fata de societate incepand cu ceea ce puteti face in situatia actuala.


問題: 祈禱和信仰,在瑜伽道路上扮演什麼樣的角色?

大師: 在瑜珈裡,祈禱和信仰並沒有很大的不同。憧憬真理和渴望實現真理,這兩件事就是祈禱,同時也是信仰。瑜伽經裡並沒有使用『信仰』這個詞,但經典裡提到『擁有熱情的瑜伽行者是非常接近開悟的』。這句話,也意即著祈禱和信仰。

問題: 必須有夠強的祈禱和信仰,才能將其化為實際行動。請問,應該做什麼才能加強呢?

大師: 請使你的思想、語言和行動三者一致。為了達成這件事,你必須落實靈性修煉,而且透過你現在在社會上所身處的環境,去練習行動瑜伽。







Humbly, we bow to you, our Master…

-From Satsangha in the ASANA & MEDITATION CLASS WITH SHRI MAHAYOGI on March 15, 2015 New York City



Echo from The Cave:18

Sun March 8th, 2015 9:00 pm Manhattan, NYC


We are so honored to have this opportunity once again!!
This garland of flowers was offered to our Beloved Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa
at the end of the first class with him this Sunday.

After some silence, Shri Mahayogi then spoke:


 “Meditate everyday. Truth is in the depth of the heart.
The Truth that is God, exists all around and everywhere.
You are That!”
Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa


“Debes meditar cada día. La Verdad está en lo profundo del corazón.
La Verdad, que es Dios, existe alrededor y en todas partes.
¡Eres Eso!”
-Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa

“Trebuie sa meditati in fiecare zi. Adevarul este in adancul inimii.
Adevarul care este Dumnezeu, exista in jurul vostru si peste tot.
Voi sunteti Acela!”
-Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa

-真理上師 聖 大瑜伽士 至尊天鵞 




The attendees were from America, Puerto Rico, Mexico,
Jamaica, Romania, Serbia, Ukraine, Hong Kong and Japan!
This represents the uniqueness of New York, totally international.
We truly hope that one day Shri Mahayogi’s words
will be translated into many different languages throughout the world.
It will come to pass!