Friday March 8, 2019 NYC

Shri Mahayogi’s Words of Truth Resound in NY:
March 3rd Sadhana Program with Shri Mahayogi
Gratitude for Shri Mahayogi’s Visit to New York
Pranam to the Great Master, the Great Paramahansa!
The immeasurable grace of your presence has brought the light of Truth concretely into our hearts and into our lives for the past one and a half months while visiting New York. The swift return of Shri Mahayogi has served to strengthen the golden thread that is ever-connecting our heart to yours and this strength has allowed us to carry on with our seeking and practicing to become one with the Truth. In your presence, all else pales in comparison. In your presence, our worldly afflictions mysteriously dissipate. In your presence, we are lifted out of darkness, as if you are lifting an incredible weight off of our shoulders. In your presence, your grace is all pervading and undeniable. We cannot find words enough to express our gratitude.
During this visit, that strengthened presence of Shri Mahayogi in New York has seemingly settled into not only our own hearts, but also the hearts of several of the attendees who have faithfully come to Shri Mahayogi’s programs, strongly pulling them towards the path of Truth. One such attendee is Dheeraj, who offered flowers to Shri Mahayogi on behalf of the NY sangha during the last program of the visit. To witness the kindling of sincerity and devotion to the Guru within those who come to see Shri Mahayogi is indeed one of the most beautiful and precious things to witness on this path. It is the workings of Shri Mahayogi’s purity and grace concretized right before our eyes.
Here we would like to share the speeches of gratitude offered by three members of the sangha at the end of the Sadhana Program with Shri Mahayogi.
And of course, we would like to share the words of Shri Mahayogi, the simple yet invaluable message he left for us all.
Dheeraj, who for this special occasion had changed into a traditional orange-colored kurta, approaches the Master with a bright and cheerful bouquet of flowers to offer from the NY sangha, and begins to express his gratitude.
Dearest Guruji, Shri Mahayogi, on behalf of the NY sangha, I would like to offer you these flowers as a token of our appreciation and gratitude. (offers flowers)
It is truly a blessing to be in your presence. You have removed many obstacles in my life. I couldn’t have done it without you.
Guruji, I realize the value of a true Master, a true Guru, for everyone seeking the Truth. You are the hope and light that dispels the darkness of ignorance and ego.
Thank you Guruji.
Once again on behalf of everyone in the New York sangha, we would like to have you back in New York (joyful laughter from all).
Thank you Guruji.

Shri Mahayogi, the NY sangha would like to thank you very much and share our gratitude for hosting you this visit. Even though the length was only a month and a half, its shortness reminds us of how precious it is to take advantage of every opportunity.
You’ve shown us that there is a lot of work to be done in NY. Many new seekers have come before you to learn, and we as individuals, especially me, do know that there is much more that we can do, and we shouldn’t be afraid or ashamed to speak your Truth to others. And until you return we hope and want to grow ourselves as individuals, to keep our faith, and to strengthen sangha. And we hope to have you back soon with us.
Shri Mahayogi, again, on behalf of the NY sangha we would like to extend our sincere gratitude for coming so soon after being here just this summer. Your quick return, your presence among us and your grace have brought gurubhai, helped bring us together, and helped keep the connection between the gurubai. Thank you.
And to everyone here: Yoga is almost unknown, and Shri Mahayogi is almost unknown too, so it is a great blessing that all of us have found Shri Mahayogi. So please, everyone continue, and discover for yourself who Shri Mahayogi really is, by persevering and actually practicing by putting his teaching into action. I have no doubt that as we practice, our understanding will deepen, and that what we receive from Shri Mahayogi will only become greater and greater and greater. So, let’s please all experience this together.
And to gurubai: we have much work to do in NY. And we cannot rely on Shri Mahayogi visiting to help bring us together. So, we need action, moment to moment action, to practice and grow for real. I hear that this weekend, next Saturday, there are over 70 people waiting to take the class with Shri Mahayogi in Japan, traveling from all over. We, as disciples, have the responsibility to prove that Yoga can be attained, to prove Shri Mahayogi’s teaching and his existence. We need to become the body of Shri Mahayogi everywhere, living and breathing his teaching, so that others can also find Shri Mahayogi and find the Truth. So, I encourage the gurubai to feel the responsibility of this more and more.
And again, Shri Mahayogi, thank you very much for coming, and we just cannot wait until this summer when you return. Please come with the warm weather.

Then Shri Mahayogi spoke:
“I would very much love to return to New York right away, but in April there is an event we hold in Kyoto called Sanatana Dharma Avatara Mela (The Grand Ceremony of the Manifestations of Divinity). That will be held on April 8th, the date that is said to be the day that Buddha was born. It is very good weather in Japan, it is the spring season and it is when the cherries are in full blossom. And then, after that I will visit Taipei for a little while. The one who is leading the group in Taiwan, is Prasadini, who actually used to come to take this class here [in New York, though she is originally from Taiwan]. I heard that the group there is already growing into about 50 students. And then I have another appointment in May as well. (smiling) So please forgive me, but my visit to New York will have to be after that.
But [I would like you to remember that] the Truth within me is also the Truth within you all. More precisely, I am You. Remember that always, continue your practice and don’t neglect to study the scriptures.
And let us look forward to meeting each other again. All right, then.”

Our greatest Master, Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa, You are our father, You are our mother, You are our best friend, You are the Hope, You are the Light, You are the embodiment of Truth, You are our Dearest Beloved, You are my Beloved, Your are Love.
Oh my Love, You are everything…
Jai Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa Ki, Jai!!!

Jai Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa Ki, Jai!!!
ディラージからのスピーチ (日本語訳)
最も親愛なるグルジ、シュリー・マハーヨーギー、ニューヨーク・サンガを代表して、貴方への 感謝の証としてこの花束を捧げさせて頂きたく思います。
道を求める誰もにとって、真の師、本当のグルがいかに重要であるのかということを知りました。貴方は、無知とエゴの闇 を払いのける希望であり、光です。
アニルッダのスピーチ (日本語訳)
サーディヤーのスピーチ (日本語訳)
グルバイの皆さん、私たちはニューヨークでやるべきことが沢山あります。私たちが団結して一丸となることをシュリー・マハーヨーギーのご訪問に頼っているわけにはいきません。行動が、一瞬一瞬 の行動が、真の修行と成長が必要です。
再度申し上げます。シュリー・マハーヨーギー、お越し頂きありがとうございます。この夏にお戻りになってくださる時がとても待ち遠しいです。暖かい気候 の時期にお越しくださいますように。
シュリー・マハーヨーギーのお言葉 (原文)
「すぐにでも帰ってきたい気持ちは山々ですが、四月には京都でサナータナ・ダルマ アヴァターラ メーラーというお祭りをします。ちょうど四月八日は、かのブッダが生まれたと言われた日です。そして日本の気候はちょうど春の桜がキレーイに満開になる頃です。そうしてその後、台北の方に少し行きます。台湾のグループをリードしているのは、かつてこのクラスに来ていたプラサーディニー。今ではもう五十人前後の生徒たちが集まっているそうです。そして、五月もちょっと予定が一つ決まっている。(笑)ごめんなさい、ニューヨークに来るのはその後になります。