Petal: 25

Sun May 22nd, 2017 12 am, NYC

As a representative of Mahayogi Yoga Mission,

Sadhya will present a short performance:
Yearning for the Truth.

At the Rubin Museum of Art
Friday, 5. 26. 2017  7–9PM  Free Admission


Description of the program:
“The Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, began his life as a prince. However, when he witnessed the suffering of the world, he renounced his title and his worldly possessions to explore the possibility of ending the cycle of suffering and the unsatisfactory nature of life. After much study and meditation, he finally achieved his own enlightenment. His universal story of searching, questioning, and discovery has parallels to our own lives, which we invite you to explore during this special night. Performances will be organized into three sets — searching, questioning, and discovery — relating to the Buddha’s story.”

Location: In the 4th floor gallery at the Rubin Museum of Art
150W 17th St NY (Bet 6th Ave and 7th Ave)


Invite Your Friends!!!

We hope to see you there~!


Echo from The Cave:56

Sun May 21st, 2017 02:00 am, NYC

One More Opportunity to Order
the Mahayogi Yoga Mission’s 40th Anniversary Original T-shirt
with Shri Mahayogi’s Stamp!

After so many requests to re-order,
here they are again with new additional colors!
If you are interested in ordering, please contact us before May 25th.

We expect that orders will most likely arrive at the beginning of July.

Click here to See the actual image of T-shirt on our blog 

Additional color for Style A



Style A: 100% Cotton  5.6oz
Additional Short Sleeves colors : Above 8 colors
Additional Long Sleeves colors: Red and Charcoal

Original colors:
(From the top)
Baby Pink (Long Sleeve Style)
White (Short Sleeve)
Charcoal (Short and Long Sleeves)
Mint (Short Sleeve)
Banana (Short Sleeve)
Heather Grey (short sleeve)
Slate (Short sleeve)
California Orange (Short Sleeve)
Black (Short and Long Sleeves)
Forest Green (Short Sleeve)
Bright Green  (Short Sleeve)




(From the top)
Turquoise (Long Sleeve))
BLK (Short and Long Sleeves)
Navy (Long Sleeve Style 2 & Dolman Short Sleeves Style 3)
White (Short Sleeve Style & Long Sleeve Style 2 & Dolman Short Sleeves Style 3)



Style 2: Long Sleeve Narrow Cut & Light Weight 100% Cotton 4.6oz
Colors: White and Navy

Style 3: Dolman Short Sleeve 50% Cotton 50% Polyester 4.0oz
Colors: White and Navy

About the Size:
Sizes run approximately one size smaller than standard US sizes.

Style 1: 100% Cotton 5.6oz

  • Short Sleeve
    Man (S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL)
    Woman (G-S, G-M, G-L)
    Child (Please ask for the sizes)
  • Long Sleeve
    Unisex (S, M, L, XL, XXL)
    Young (please ask for sizes)

Style 2: Long Sleeve Narrow Cut & Light Weight 100% Cotton 4.6oz

  • Woman (M, L)
    Unisex (XS, S, M, L, XL)

Style 3: Dolman Short Sleeve 50% Cotton 50% Polyester 4.0oz

  • Woman (M, L)


Echo from The Cave:55

Sat May 20th, 2017 03:30 pm, NYC


After a Wednesday class, during a casual conversation,
Ms. R was telling us how much her friend enjoyed the class
but would not be able to attend because of his work schedule,
that Saturday is the only day he has availability.

Spontaneously the thought came,
“Then why don’t we have a class on Saturday in Queens?”

Ten days later, here it is…

Many people gathered, hearing about it only through word of mouth.
This is the beginning of the Saturday class in Queens.

If you would like to have our class near you, please contact us!

Echo from The Cave:54

Mon May 8th, 2017 05:45 am, NYC

EDITOR’S NOTE: Pranavadipa Vol. 30

View from the Prema Ashrama, Kyoto

The day of the Flower Festival is
the day of the Buddha’s birthday festival…


In Celebration of
Sanatana Dharma Avatara Mela
—The Grand Ceremony of the Manifestations of Divinity—

April 8, 2017

Reception of Sanatana Dharma Avatara Mela at the Prema Ashrama

Sanatana Dharma Avatara Mela

The sound of OM filled my ears, filled my heart and reverberated throughout my very cells. This was the beginning of the Puja and the opening of Sanatana Dharma Avatara Mela. Approximately 72 disciples and devotees from Taiwan, New York and from all over Japan were gathered in the open room of the Prema Ashrama and some were overflowing into the entryway. Anandamali sat next to me, exuding overwhelming joy as the sound of these few male voices, interspersed amongst the attendees, filled the space with a tone of sacredness that was palpable.

It wouldn’t be until later that I would learn from Yogadanda, who was sitting right in front of me at the feet of Shri Mahayogi, how much devoted and dedicated practice had gone into the chanting and offering of OM over the course of years, how much it had transformed his understanding of the self, and how he had come to experience the OM as Shri Mahayogi himself and the essence of all things living and non-living. In that moment, all I could do was experience and bow down in reverence with my heart.


I am sure that many of you, like me, have heard before of the great khumba mela that take place in India. I first read about these in Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda and remember that it was during one of these great gatherings that Lahiri Mahasaya encountered the most revered Master, the deathless Guru who rarely reveals himself, Mahavatara Babaji, the one who initiated Lahiri Mahasaya into kriya yoga.

When I first heard about Sanatana Dharma Avatara Mela, I wondered what kind of a gathering this might be? The word mela alone brought to mind the great gathering of yogi in India, where many attend just with the hopes of encountering a true Guru, or perhaps Babaji himself. The words Sanatana Dharma Avatara, however, firmly grounded my peaked imagination into a more concrete purpose than simply a gathering of yogi with hopes of spiritual gain. Sanatana Dharma, simply put, refers to the Eternal Truth. And Avatara refers to an incarnation of God. Avatara throughout the ages have included Babaji, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, and Shri Ramakrishna, just to name a few. This mela is more than just a gathering, it is an occasion meant to honor and celebrate the existence of the Avatara as well as their great mission, to establish and re-establish Sanatana Dharma today and throughout the ages. How unique and rare is this gathering!—There is no need to hope to encounter a Master—the Great Yogi, Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa, is alive right now and sitting before us! There is no need to hope to receive the teaching of Truth. The teaching has already been bestowed upon us and Shri Mahayogi continues to teach us through every moment of his existence!

As part of the celebration, seven disciples offered a speech to Shri Mahayogi, three of whom, the main speakers, were selected by Shri Mahayogi for having embarked concretely on the mission of establishing Sanatana Dharma. In the moment, I could not understand the words that they all spoke, since, of course, everyone spoke in Japanese, but I could not help but feel the sincerity and nakedness of each one’s heart. Words are secondary to the power that the alignment of the heart behind them holds. Each one’s words were charged with emotion. Tears, laughter, radiant joyous smiles and moments of silent reverence were flowing abundantly from beginning to end. Without a doubt, every attendee present was invigorated by the precious opportunity to be with Shri Mahayogi and was filled with joy and urgency alike as each of these seven disciples demonstrated with their words and with their hearts their true commitment to and passion for living their lives according to Sanatana Dharma, for carrying on Shri Mahayogi’s great mission, and that of all Avatara, through their own concrete actions and through the pure joy they have experienced through walking this path.

I couldn’t help but feel that if we open our eyes and look closely, if we open our hearts, then we can see the Avatara himself manifesting Sanatana Dharma through the lives of his very own disciples. Each one is different, yet each one shows yet another form of the infinite forms of the Avatara!


In last month’s volume of Pranavadipa (Vol. 29) the contents centered around the meaning and significance of the Avatara and what the mission of Sanatana Dharma really is. In this month’s volume of Pranavadipa (Vol. 30) you can read the speeches offered by two disciples for the occasion of Sanatana Dharma Avatara Mela. They are both truly inspirational. If you open your heart, there is no doubt that you will feel inspired by their sincerity of practice and their demonstrated passion for passing on Sanatana Dharma, the Eternal Truth, to as many people as possible. And, through their examples, I hope that we can all find the hints and clues that will lead us to establish our own lives more deeply in Sanatana Dharma.




Sanatana Dharma Avatara Mela was held at Prema Ashrama, the new Ashrama of the Mahayogi Mission! The speakers were as follows:

Introduction of Avatara:
– Sananda

Main Speeches:
– Anandamali
– Shachi
– Anandi

Additional Speeches:
– Sharanya
– Satya
– Chaitanya
– Gopala

MC: Sananda and Madhuri

Anandamali on the right, Yogadanda in the center






Gopala on the right



Disciples from Taiwan: Marula, Priya and Radha (from left)

Our Beloved Shri Mahayogi!!!!!!!!!!!!

“From pure Joy springs all creation, by Joy it is sustained,
toward Joy it proceeds, and to Joy it returns.”

-Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa



Echo from The Cave:53

Wed Mar 8th, 2017 06:17 am, NYC

EDITOR’S NOTE: Pranavadipa Vol. 28

Sincerity in practice and the pure faith of Yoga will surely lead to the direct experience of the Truth. This message resonates throughout this month’s issue of Pranavadipa as Shri Mahayogi responds over the course of several Satsangha (between 2015 and 2016) to the genuine and honest questions of a group of mothers from the Prema Yoga Circle who have been practicing Yoga under his guidance.


Prema Yoga Circle

The Prema Yoga Circle was started in September 2013 in Osaka by three disciples who were naturally brought together by the same goal. These three women—Nirmala, Suditi, and Ms. Suematsu—are all mothers and all are seeking the Truth, even as they fulfill their familial responsibilities. It was about five years prior that they met Shri Mahayogi and began to learn Yoga. And in fact, it was through learning and actually applying the practice of Yoga into their lives, while working hard doing house-work and raising (small) children, that they experienced their mind and body being uplifted and becoming lighter. They truly felt the greatness of Yoga in daily life, and out of their hope to share Yoga with others, they initiated these activities.


Nirmala (Ms. Hamaguchi)


Suditi (Ms. Akasaka)

The members of the Prema Yoga Circle meet once a week to practice asana and meditation in a communal residential space for one and a half hours during a weekday morning. Since last year, they have also met for Bhakti Sangham (kirtan class) four times a year, led by Mirabai. And in addition, they meet twice a year for Yoga Talks, in which they occasionally invite a senior disciple to share with them, or they share and discuss their experiences of bringing the teachings of Yoga into practice within their daily activities as mothers and householders.

In reading the questions that the mothers ask Shri Mahayogi and following the nature of their conversation, one can feel the simple sincerity with which they yearn for the Truth and with which they proactively seek to put Shri Mahayogi’s words into action in whatever way they can, no matter the circumstance.

But perhaps most inspiring is the Testimony, which is the Jayanti speech offered to Shri Mahayogi by Nirmala, just this past November, 2016. Nirmala speaks with clarity about her ideal and how she wishes to truly live established in karma yoga and bhakti yoga. In her words come the true testimony of the practice! We can see through Nirmala’s practice, and the understanding that she has gained through her own experience, the result that has come from sincerely applying the teachings that Shri Mahayogi spoke during the various Satsangha leading up to that moment!

Her Testimony is our testimony—that anyone in any circumstance can practice and attain Yoga, as long as we really practice concretely with passion and a sincere heart.


Prema Yoga Circle


Pranavadipa is a Monthly Publication of Online Study Material containing the Teachings of Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa & the Experiences of Practitioners that is available by annual subscription. A new volume of Pranavadipa is issued on the 8th of every month.


Echo from The Cave:52

Sun Feb 26rd, 2017 5:00 pm, NYC

At the invitation of disciples,

Shri Mahayogi will be in Taipei from March 17th to March 24th!

Today, in honor of this special occasion,
we published the trailer of our DVD, In The Cave With The Master,
with subtitles in five different languages.
(Spanish/Español, French/François, Romanian/Română, Chinese/中文, Japanese/日本語)

Lynn met Shri Mahayogi for the first time during a visit to New York in the summer of 2013. After returning to Taiwan, her passion to learn under Shri Mahayogi grew strongly, and she began to hope to one day invite Shri Mahayogi to Taiwan.

A sincere heart and real passion always reach and move others!
Gradually more people started to join her in her practice of Yoga and in her efforts to invite Shri Mahayogi to Taiwan.

Shri Mahayogi has received and accepted their pure heart and their wish to introduce the Universal Teaching of Truth in Taiwan.

Schedule of Shri Mahayogi’s visit to Taipei:

Satsangha (100 minutes)

March 18 (Sat) 2:30 pm at  JOYFUL LIVING / 心悦人文空間
March 21 (Tue) 7:30 pm at  JOYFUL LIVING / 心悦人文空間
March 23 (Thu) 7:45 pm at  SPACE YOGA

Special Class—Asana and Meditation (120 minutes)

March 19 (Sun) 2:30 pm at  JOYFUL LIVING / 心悦人文空間
March 22 (Wed) 2:30 pm at  JOYFUL LIVING / 心悦人文空間

For information in Chinese, please check Taiwan Sangha’s blog
For general information in English, please e-mail us



Echo from The Cave:51

Wed Nov 23rd, 2016 4:00 pm, NYC

On The Day Of Satguru Jayanti


Beloved Shri Mahayogi,
Great Yogi,
Babaji !!!

It is through your grace
that we are blessed with the precious gift of being in this world alongside our Master.
It is the purity of your Truth
that resounds within us and around us, carefully guiding our footsteps.
And it is you who is the light that sparks our hearts and lifts the veil from before our eyes! Thank you very much for your endless compassion.
We bow down in celebration, on this day of Jayanti,
at the blessed feet of the Holy Guru,
our beloved Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa!

 img_0048Messages to the Master from disciples in the U.S. were delivered to
Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa at the Ashrama in Kyoto, japan
during the Ceremony held in honor of
the 40th Anniversary of the Mahayogi Yoga Mission in Kyoto.


Tonight in New York,
To celebrate and honor Jayanti,
the auspicious day that marks the birth of our beloved Master,
Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa,
we will practice an extended meditation together for 1 hour
during our regularly scheduled Wednesday class at Still Mind Zendo.
We will have a short asana practice before a 1 hour meditation.

All are welcome to attend!
We look forward to seeing you then!

Jai, Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa, Jai!!!


Echo from The Cave:50

Sat June 18th, 2016 9:15 pm, NYC

The Universal Gospel of Yoga:
The Words of Sadguru Śrī Mahāyogī Paramahaṃsa


Jai Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa!!!
Sat June 11th, 2016 at 2PM,
the book release event for the third edition of The Universal Gospel of Yoga,
the spoken words of our master Satguru Sri Mahayogi Paramahansa,
was held at Integral Yoga Institute.




Kamalakshi opened the event,
The Universal Gospel Of Yoga in her hand.

After greeting the audience, she read “The Aim of Life” from The Universal gospel Of Yoga with her full and resounding voice, thus setting the tone by immediately establishing the seriousness and clear purpose of the gathering:

“Be still and know that I am God.
God is the Truth within one and all.
There is no need to seek it in some far away place—It is nearest here and now.”
—Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa




“Salutation to the Glorious primal Guru, Shri Adinatha,
who instructed the knowledge of hath a yoga
which shines forth as a stairway
for those who wish to ascend the highest stage of Yoga,
Raja Yoga!”

—from Hatha Yoga Pradipika

IMG_0118DSC00443 DSC00448DSC00451 DSC00450DSC00458 IMG_0119

Reading: “The Time For Meditation” 




DSC00469Kamalakshi vivaciously shared her story of the special occasion when Shri Mahayogi came to the home of her two mothers, Mammy Tess (mother – 80 years old) and, Mammy Love (her aunt 85 years old). There was always constant fighting between these two strong characters. Her aunt would say, “When I talk, no dog bark! I must have respect, I am the elder!” Her mom would say, “Tree grow come catch tree, I am an adult!” Kamalakshi couldn’t handle them anymore, and asked Shri Mahayogi what to do. Shri Mahayogi said he would visit.

The day came. Kamalakshi introduced them to Shri Mahayogi as a yogi pastor. Mammy Love kept talking and telling stories to show how strongly she practiced being a Christian in her life, and in the back, Mammy Tess was behind her saying quietly, “Don’t listen to her…!” Shri Mahayogi let them go on talking, until the moment came, that Mammy Love finally said,

DSC00472 “I am tired of talking…”

Shri Mahayogi finally spoke, and thus the teaching of “The Truth of Love” in The Universal Gospel of Yoga was born. He delivered the teaching directly to them as they listened in silence and awe.


DSC00476It is not everyday that one finds that he has lived most of his life in a prison created by his own mind. It can take years and lifetimes just to discover that simple fact. Through the blessings of Shri Mahayogi and The Universal Gospel of Yoga, Ekanta explained how, after years of struggle, the words of The Gospel brought him face to face with his own mind and its various attachments to the world. He came to understand that these attachments only brought him suffering, and that by applying Shri Mahayogi’s teachings from The Universal Gospel of Yoga “in our daily lives using our bodies and minds” we can set ourselves free. Although Ekanta is tied to this prison of the mind’s creation, he now knows that he can start digging himself out by using the  teachings of Yoga that he has been blessed to receive from the Master.

It is not easy to recognize for yourself that you have become dependent on the approval of the people around you, allowing the desire to be accepted to dominate your every decision. Sadhya shared that it was the daily practice of asana and meditation along with regularly reading The Universal Gospel of Yoga that allowed her to first catch a glimpse of the source of the pain that she had been trying to escape from for so many years. The following words from the Gospel helped her gain strength and clarity of mind, and came to be her constant guide: “The real work is for the realization of the Self. Pay no mind to what others think of you, just deepen the search for the Self.” She spoke about how the opportunity of working on the editing of The Universal Gospel of Yoga allowed her to understand more deeply the immense value of the teachings and true aim of Yoga—to become completely free of all the mind’s attachments and creations. Sadhya is very thankful to have experienced much transformation in her life as a result of the grace of Shri Mahayogi and the guidance that The Universal Gospel of Yoga provides.


Q & A:


A woman asked how quickly The Universal Gospel of Yoga might impact someone’s life.


 Aniruddha answered candidly that the teachings go into the heart and slowly begin to make sense only as you apply them in your daily life.




Kamalakshi thanked the audience on behalf of the Mahayogi Yoga Mission for holding the energy in the space and for allowing us to share the readings with them. Then she joyously announced that our master, Shri Mahayogi, would be arriving in NY next week for a 3-month long visit!!!



Since the beginning, the publication of the new edition of The Universal Gospel of Yoga has been a journey which has brought sangha together to work for a common goal. The public launching of the book gave us an additional opportunity to work together even more closely, pushing us to put our faith and trust in the Master. It is as if he is what holds us together, teaching us throughout the process itself.

We are all immeasurably grateful that Shri Mahayogi is guiding us in every moment. We bow to the Master and thank him for The Universal Gospel of Yoga.





On the way back to the Cave…





 Yasoda repaired the Sahasrara Chakra Mat at our Sangha house in Astoria.


Ekanta and Nandi built the screen.DSC00421


IMG_0115We rehearsed during our class time.





Echo from The Cave:49

Tue May 24th, 2016 5:31am, NYC

The long-awaited revival of
The Universal Gospel of Yoga:

The Words of 
Sadguru Śrī Mahāyogī Paramahaṃsa,

now in print once again and available in its newly-translated third edition!

DSC00354On the way back to the Cave from the printer~~!


~Book Release of The Universal Gospel Of Yoga 3rd Edition~
• Performance • Readings  • Anecdotes  • Q&A
Sat June 11th 2pm – 3pm
(Door will open 1:50pm)
At the Heaven Room, Integral Yoga Institute New York
227w 13th St, NYC (Bet 7th & 8th)

You are all invited!!!
Please arrive 10 minutes before the event begin!



Pranam to Our Revered and Honorable Guru,

Sadguru Śrī Mahāyogī Paramahaṃsa

We are filled with joy and gratitude to announce that the day has finally come to present to you these precious jewels – the Sacred Words of our Revered and Honorable Guru, Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa!

To mark this joyous occasion we will have the opportunity to present The Universal Gospel of Yoga at the Integral Yoga Institute of New York, and all are invited to attend. The presentation will consist of a short performance, readings from The Universal Gospel Of Yoga and anecdotes offered by three sangha members about different aspects of The Universal Gospel of Yoga.

It has been quite some time since the decision was made to re-translate The Universal Gospel Of Yoga in 2012 when the supply of copies began to dwindle. And after nearly four long years, during which The Universal Gospel of Yoga was essentially out of print, we feel compelled to humbly apologize to our Guru that it has taken so long to complete the editing process and thus enable his words to reach the countless hearts who have been yearning for these teachings of Truth. With the release of this new edition we aim to ensure that The Universal Gospel of Yoga will be available to all who seek the authentic teachings of Yoga for many years to come.

To convey the excitement and enthusiasm that we feel at finally being able to announce this momentous occasion, we would like to share an excerpt from a speech given by Anandamali during Jayanti, the annual celebration commemorating Shri Mahayogi’s birth at the Mahayogi Yoga Ashrama, on November 23rd 2013, in which she spoke about the sangha in New York and expressed the depth of her emotions toward The Universal Gospel Of Yoga and the editing team that was working with her on this new edition.

“… … Currently in New York, although there is only a handful of staff, we are working on the final stages of editing The Universal Gospel Of Yoga, which has been fully retranslated. Once again, through the process of this work, I have become keenly aware of and recognized all over again the awe-inspiring state which Shri Mahayogi embodies and the perfection of the words that Shri Mahayogi speaks, constantly chosen from a permanent state of razor-sharp, absolute discrimination that is beyond even time and space. Shri Mahayogi’s words are always delivered from the state of Truth, so if we derive our understanding of their meaning from the perspective of the mind’s view, the meaning can wander off on its own. May we be ever vigilant in protecting your Pranava at all costs. The words of Truth uttered by the Awakened Ones are truly alive. The words themselves are breathing and glistening with life. Unless the seeker knocks on the door, and then faces the test that awaits as we examine ourselves and gauge our seriousness, unless the seeker seriously seeks for It, and unless the seeker dives into the depths of the ocean to find the precious pearls for themselves, the teachings of Truth will not be revealed. In the words given by Shri Mahayogi, even though the words may not appear to be direct answers, there is a meaning that is hidden there that we need to dive in and penetrate in order to uncover.

Yoga, in its original form, can only begin after one’s mind is prepared for religious awakening. The same can be said of the internal initiation Shri Mahayogi assents to give to his disciples. The mind of religious awakening is the unshakeable resolution and the unfailing determination to stake one’s life on Satori. Without a doubt, every single task in Yoga ought to be carried out with the same indomitable spirit. In undertaking this work, the completion of the third edition, I feel that the quality of the translation of The Universal Gospel Of Yoga has finally reached an acceptable level. Although it is only a small handful of members, I am so grateful to inform you that I have been tackling this project with a team of marvelous comrades who share with me this sublime ideal of leaving behind these records of the teachings of Shri Mahayogi, my Beloved. With our guiding belief that the task in which we are engaged will yield a book that will serve as a Bible that will be read by a massive number of people for many generations to come, we carry out this work with a great sense of responsibility. Perhaps, ten years from now, when our understanding has deepened and we find ourselves in a different state, then further depth might be revealed, but I believe that the work we have done is of the highest quality that we are able to bring forth at this stage.

I feel that at this moment, we are getting ready to send out your dear child, whom You have graciously bestowed on us to raise, and who has now grown up and is getting to the point where this dear child can walk by himself, toward the light. One day, when we are all gone, Your words, which will have been translated for all, will continue to shine on forever. … …”

-Excerpt from a speech by Anandamali on the occasion of Jayanti 2013








Scenes of the Editing Process
Summer 2015, at our Sangha house, Astoria, NY

IMG_4821 IMG_4823 IMG_4826 IMG_4831




We would also like to mention Matthew and his involvement in our work. Although he has been living in Croatia for twelve years, he is one of the main editors of the MYM in NY. In spite of being far away from his motherland, the United States, and physically separated from the sangha in New York, The Universal Gospel of Yoga was the powerful vehicle that kept his heart connected with Shri Mahayogi every day for several years. When he left for Croatia in 2004, he took a copy of The Universal Gospel of Yoga with him. Of course, he had no idea that one day he would be fully involved in the project of editing the new edition. But over those years he developed a strong love for The Universal Gospel of Yoga and that can be seen in how wholeheartedly he dedicated himself to this work.

imgoMatthew’s daughter Prema was born while we were working in August, 2015.


Jai Our Dearest Sadguru Śrī Mahāyogī Paramahaṃsa Ki Jai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Echo from The Cave:48

Sun May 15th, 2016 5:39am, NYC

NY Gurubai’s Visit to Japan, Winter 2016
and Its Synchronization with Pranavadipa Vol. 17:


Day 9: Evening


7PM. Satsangha at the Ashrama.

Every moment of having the opportunity to see Shri Mahayogi is filled with excitement and blessings. Once again, we were so fortunate to be able to attend Satsangha at the Ashrama and to be with Shri Mahayogi one more time before leaving for Tokyo on Monday!!!

When Satsangha began, Shri Mahayogi immediately noticed the T-shirts that Ryan and Aniruddha were wearing and laughed joyously. On Ryan’s T-shirt the word “Disciple” was written in Japanese and on Aniruddha’s, “I am not the way I was before.”

Anandamali reported to Shri Mahayogi about how their stay had been up until that point, and Shri Mahayogi seemed very pleased with the NY brother’s willingness to learn, their spirit of readiness for taking on challenges by adopting the learner’s mind and attitude, along with their discipline to follow the morning schedule at all costs. Taka and Yohei spoke about how they had been witnessing the transformation of their NY brothers, and they expressed how grateful they were to have this opportunity to host the NY brothers and practice along side them. Some gurubhai light heartedly teased Ryan, saying that he seemed to have already lost weight. There was much joyful laughter in the beginning.

Then Nandiswara presented Shri Mahayogi with some words he had written on a piece of paper in Chinese, and asked him to explain the meaning. Some of the Chinese and Japanese characters are the same or similar, so sometimes we can understand one another through writing. The words that Nandiswara wrote were『無一物中無尽蔵』. That day, in the room where Satsangha is always held, a scroll was hanging with a work of calligraphy done by Shri Mahayogi, upon which was written the same phrase: 『無一物中無尽蔵』. Shri Mahayogi explained the meaning of this saying, which is often used in calligraphy in Zen Buddism:

無 = nothing    一 = one    物 = thing

無一物 = No One Thing → ‘Thing’ indicates ‘Pain-bearing Obstacles’ in the Mind.   → the cause of the ‘Pain-Bearing Obstacles’ is ‘Ignorance’.

So, “the Absence of Ignorance and Pain-bearing Obstacles” = “The state of the mind that is empty and transparent”.


無 = nothing    尽 = run out; end    蔵 = house → The word ‘house’ indicates ‘the universe’ or ‘space’.

無尽蔵 = Non-Ending Space = The Entirety of Space or the Universe

無一物無尽蔵 = In the Entirety of the Universe there exists one state that is Empty, Void of Pain-Bearing Obstacles = Bliss exists in the state of Emptiness.

CONCLUSION: Make the mind free from Pain-Bearing Obstacles and Ignorance.

Shri Mahayogi always says that the teachings of Buddha and Yoga are completely identical. He explained the following mechanism:

Karma creates suffering in life —tracing back to the cause of suffering→ desire, which is the attachment toward the pain-bearing obstacles in the mind; this is what creates karma.

CONCLUSION: By eliminating ignorance and the pain-bearing obstacles, all suffering ends. True Bliss exists there.


Ryan asked about how to proceed in the practice of discrimination. He wanted to know if he was approaching it correctly. He explained that he is currently trying to understand why it is that there is even something in his mind that desires. He noticed that this feeling of desire, or the value of an object only exists because he once had something and then lost it. He noticed that his mind only perceives two states: having and not having. Generally speaking, when he is in the state of actually having, there is no awareness, so it is only after the loss of it that he enters into a cycle of desiring similar types of things.

Shri Mahayogi answered that Ryan must go further, examine the issue and discriminate whether the object of that desire is eternal or not, whether it is universal or not. By doing so, he will recognize the mechanism of the chain of desire that the mind itself creates based on specific conditions; and therefore truly realize that these are not the Truth. And what’s more, he will recognize that it is a mistake to attach to things that are not the Truth. This is discrimination. If he comprehends the essence like this, then the mind will become detached from that desire—that is renunciation.

Nandi then asked how to know whether an intuition is correct or not.

Shri Mahayogi answered that it goes without saying that practicing asana and studying the teachings of Yoga is a precondition. And that it is especially important to discipline oneself in yama and niyama so that one’s thoughts, words, and actions would not contradict one another. Through continuous practice, the mind transforms and its nature becomes the quality of sattva, and through having its nature be the quality of sattva, correct intuition comes. That too is about training. By continuously training one’s thoughts, words and actions to correspond to an intuition or that first flash of thought, the mind will ultimately stop generating all other unnecessary thoughts. By practicing this diligently, intuition will come precisely in the moment needed.

Satya mentioned that she has a habit of sometimes letting her mind wander, and she knows that she needs to practice mauna at that moment. She asked for confirmation that by practicing to make the thoughts, words and actions correspond to one another, that the condition of ‘being empty’, or the original condition, would increase.

After confirming that Satya was correct, Shri Mahayogi added that the word ‘empty’ in Japanese is written as 空(sky; void; empty), but in Sanskrit, ‘empty’ is sukha, which also means ‘easy‘, just as sukha is used in sukhasana (sukha-asana), commonly known as ‘easy’ sitting position.

It was fascinating to hear that the word ’empty’ has a connotation of ‘easy’, as a profound metaphor lies within this association. Shri Mahayogi never ceases to amaze us with his depth of knowledge and ability to see beyond the surface!!!

With this addition, Shri Mahayogi pointed out exactly what 『無一物無尽蔵』is all about!!!!

In the Entirety of the Universe there exists one state that is Empty, Void of Pain-Bearing Obstacles, meaning that Bliss exists in the state of Emptiness.

By eliminating ignorance and the pain-bearing obstacles, all suffering ends, resulting in the state that is Easy and Empty, where True Bliss exists.



At the end of Satsangha, Aniruddha spoke on behalf of the NY brothers to express their gratitude to Shri Mahayogi:

“Shri Mahayogi, we can’t thank you enough for having us. I am quite sure that on this trip the three of us have truly learnt a tremendous amount from the gurubhai here. And the fact of the matter is, we saw a lot that we still need to process. And I guess, just from speaking between us, we can see what a life changing opportunity this really has been. We just hope that we can take this spirit back with us to the NY sangha and really try to help it grow toward this, toward what we have experienced here, in some way. We gratefully hope that on your next trip to NY, we can really offer to you a very warm welcome. Yes, we gratefully look forward to seeing you in New York.”

Shri Mahayogi responded with a huge smile,
“Thank you. That is good. I am so glad. I look forward to seeing you in New York again.”


Jai Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahamsa Ki Jai!!!



There was a congenial atmosphere after the Satshangha. Everyone’s face was shining.  As people began to leave little by little, some moved to the side and began participating in a MYM work meeting.

We wished we could have stayed there forever. But it was time to turn the page and move on to the next chapter; to work towards being able to show the proof of our growth for the next reunion with our beloved Master in New York.

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(The day continues… )