Echo From The Cave: 125

Saturday June 13, 2020 NYC

Editor’s Note: Pranavadipa Volume 67

“Seek nothing but what you must Attain.
Seek nothing but what you must Realize.
Seek nothing but the Truth.”

-Satrugu Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa,
from The Universal Gospel Of Yoga

These words, spoken by Shri Mahayogi and recorded in the teaching “The Aim of Life” in The Universal Gospel of Yoga, straightforwardly speak directly to the core of every human being’s existence. These words are simple, yet so strong that they can shake one’s mind out of being caught up in its own stories and illusions and make it recognize at once that the only thing that truly matters is precisely that. These words stand boldly, unable to be touched or moved by any worldly matters.

But what do they mean? Is it enough to merely read these words and experience one passing moment of recognition? What is it really that we must attain? What is it really that we must realize? And how do we do it? With the world constantly changing around us, bringing one new situation after another, how can we keep our minds unshakeable amidst external conditions and clear about aiming for the Truth?

In this month’s Pranavadipa (Vol. 67), the primary content is around the seriousness needed by practitioner to seek the Truth, as well as the practice of discrimination, the process of differentiating between the content of the mind and the teaching of the Truth, in order to bring the mind to the Truth.

The Satsangha in this issue, coming from the first Satsangha that took place in New York during Shri Mahayogi’s most recent visit (Dec 2019 – Feb 2020), has many questions that relate to how to correctly practice discrimination, which at times can be a practice that many practitioners may not be clear on how to approach or go about. However, Shri Mahayogi carefully responds to each question, at times clarifying misunderstandings, at other times breaking down how to approach the mind, and then also firmly directing the mind to always aim towards a content that is the purest of the pure—the unchangeable Existence.

At the same time, Shri Mahayogi teaches us about what seriousness is when it comes to seeking the Truth and the imperativeness of “staking your life” on it. In response to the shock expressed by some attendees as they try to interpret what this strong message means, Shri Mahayogi compassionately helps us all to see, through the simple example of romantic love, how we already know how to stake our lives on something and rather all we need to do is to instead direct that action towards something that is unchangeable and eternal.

“Seek nothing but what you must Attain.
Seek nothing but what you must Realize.
Seek nothing but the Truth.”

To constantly remind ourselves of this, to empty ourselves of that which is changeable and unnecessary, and to instead fill ourselves with the teachings of Yoga, will surely bring about the seriousness to seek only the Truth, and bring the mind to concentrate and base its activities upon it. Then the process of discrimination will come more naturally, our seriousness will become stronger and our capacity to understand beyond the surface level of the words will be continuously developed. As we read through this Satsangha, let’s aim to think deeply on Shri Mahayogi’s words, and strive to discover what they really mean by trying to put them into action.


Yoga is practical—Shri Mahayogi says—it is not about intellectual understanding. It is about transformation. True transformation can happen only through experience. Experience can happen only through actually putting our body and mind into action. If we sincerely want to learn Yoga, and in order to understand the teachings, we need to experience them through putting them into action—to do so is to embark on the true path of learning. Otherwise the depth of the meaning remains veiled to our eyes and does not fully penetrate into our heart and our being.

This month’s Testimony is coming from the first part of “Living on the Words of Mother,” and is the writing of Yukti, a disciple of Shri Mahayogi in Japan. These articles were originally published in Paramahamsa (Mahayogi Mission Japan’s bi-monthly publication) between Sept. 2012 and Jan. 2014.

The first part of this month’s article begins with her narration:

“On March 11, 2011, I was working as a nurse and left Japan to volunteer at Mother Teresa’s facility in Kolkota, India, in search of an answer to a question I had been continuing to pursue while attending to patients. I found the answer in the words of Mother. It was for me myself, who is attending to the dying, watching over a person’s final hours, to become holy. However, just getting that answer was not enough, because the answer must be realized and lived.”

“……. As I began to know her more, I began to think of her words more deeply, meditate on them and I began to act on them. What I have come to understand from that is that if we meditate upon the words of holy beings, and seriously continue to apply them in practice through our actions, then we will surely come to see the Truth ahead.

From now on, I would like to write about what I have practiced and what I will be practicing. First I would like to revisit my previous article about my experiences in India, “Message from the Mother,” and share with you the things that I felt more deeply.”

Then the article goes on to detail her actual course of actions, her journey of striving to discover and understand the deeper meaning behind Mother Teresa’s words, even to the point of designing her life around putting herself in situations that would make her test Mother Teresa’s words and try to experience for herself their meaning and where they come from.

This is a remarkable Testimony, whether you practice Yoga or not, there is so much that we can all learn from. In fact, in her writing, she rarely uses the word Yoga, even at one point writing, “after I returned [from India] to Japan, I could not think about Yoga anymore,” however her actions themselves are her own example of exactly what Yoga is, and exactly how Shri Mahayogi teaches us. Throughout her journey the underlying presence of her great master, Shri Mahayogi, is always there, and through this example we can see that Yoga is indeed universal, the essence of religion and the genuine search inherent within our human nature.

This is the first of three parts that will be published over three volumes of Pranavadipa. And we look forward to continuing to share her experience, learning, and transformation in the next two Volumes.

In preparation for reading this Testimony we suggest first reading “Searching for God’s Love”, an article by Yukti that is already published on the Mahayogi Yoga Mission website.

Echo From The Cave: 124

Sunday May 24, 2020 NY

Release of First Spanish Publication
& Reprint of The Universal Gospel of Yoga (English)

“La Verdad Suprema no tiene ni nombre ni forma, simplemente Existencia. Ella sola es la Verdadera Realidad, el verdadero Ser, eso que es llamado Dios. Lo que es Uno se manifiesta a Sí Mismo como todos los seres y todas las cosas. Regocíjate en la dicha del Silencio no-dual.”      
Sadguru Sri Mahayogi Paramahamsa, selección de El Evangelio Universal del Yoga


The Supreme Truth has no name or form, simply Existence. It alone is True Reality, the true Self, that which is called God. That which is One manifests Itself as all beings and all things. Rejoice in the bliss of non-dualistic Silence.
– Sadguru Sri Mahayogi Paramahamsa, Excerpt from The Universal Gospel of Yoga

It is with immense joy that we announce the publication of El Evangelio Universal del Yoga, the long-awaited Spanish translation of The Universal Gospel of Yoga: The Teachings of Sadguru Sri Mahayogi Paramahamsa!!!

Es con inmensa dicha que anunciamos la publicación de El Evangelio Universal del Yoga, la tan esperada traducción de The Universal Gospel of Yoga: The Teachings of Sadguru Sri Mahayogi Paramahamsa!!!

This is the first-ever book of Shri Mahayogi’s teachings to be published in Spanish and is a result of the sincere desire for these invaluable teachings of Yoga, as well as the essence of Shri Mahayogi, to reach further and further to those who may best be able to receive them in the Spanish language. As this is the first publication of the Spanish translation, we have placed a new Preface, which includes the meaning of the title of this book, “The Universal Gospel of Yoga.”

Este es el primerísimo libro de enseñanzas de Shri Mahayogi publicado en español, y es el resultado de un genuino deseo de que estas invaluables enseñanzas del Yoga, así como la esencia de Shri Mahayogi, alcancen aquellos que mejor los puedan recibir en el idioma español. Al ser la primera vez que se publica la traducción al español, hemos introducido en ella un nuevo prefacio, que contiene el significado de su título, “El Evangelio Universal del Yoga”.

The significance of why such a title is given to this book is important for readers in both English and Spanish to understand, and it brings us back to the original meaning of what Yoga is. And thus, we are also very pleased to announce that The Universal Gospel of Yoga (English) is also back in print, now in its 4th Edition, incorporating this new Preface. Additionally, it includes some editing that we hope better captures the subtle meaning behind the words that Shri Mahayogi originally spoke in Japanese.

La significación del por qué detrás del título de este libro es importante de entender para los lectores del inglés tanto como del español; nos regresa al significado original de lo que es el Yoga. Y con esto, estamos también muy complacidos de poder anunciar que el libro, The Universal Gospel of Yoga (en inglés) también vuelve a estar disponible ahora en su 4ta edición, e incorpora el nuevo prefacio. Adicionalmente, contiene algunas reviciones que esperamos mejor capturen el significado sutil detrás de las palabras que Shri Mahayogi originalmente enunció en japonés.

We humbly offer our gratitude to Shri Mahayogi,
our beloved Satguru,
our guiding light on the path of Yoga.
Through his blessing we have the great opportunity to be introduced to Yoga,
and through his existence these precious teachings are revealed.
Through his grace these publications have come to fruition
and our great hope is that his teaching and existence come to be known,
beyond any limit of time, place or language.

Humildemente ofrecemos nuestro agradecimiento a Shri Mahayogi,
nuestro amado Satguru,
nuestra luz guiadora en el sendero del Yoga.
A través de sus bendiciones es que tenemos la gran oportunidad de conocer el Yoga,
y a través de su existencia, es que estas preciadas enseñanzas son reveladas.
Por medio de su gracia estas publicaciones se han venido a materializar
y es nuestra gran esperanza que sus enseñanzas y su existencia se lleguen a conocer,
más allá de límites de tiempo, lugar o idioma.

The Universal Gospel of Yoga and El Evangelio Universal del Yoga are available for purchase. For more details on ordering and shipping, please see the links below.

The Universal Gospel of Yoga y El Evangelio Universal del Yoga están disponibles para la compra. Para más detalles sobre pedidos y envíos, por favor oprima los siguientes enlaces.

Please note that due to the current pandemic, domestic shipping times may be longer than usual and for international orders we ask that you please contact us directly, as postal service in some countries may be temporarily limited.

Por favor, esté al tanto de que por causa de la pandemia, los envíos domésticos pueden tomar más tiempo de lo normal. Para envíos internacionales, pedimos que se comuniquen con nosotros directamente ya que los servicios postales en algunos países pueden estar limitados actualmente.

*If you are currently residing in NYC, pick-up arrangements may be possible. Please contact

*Si usted reside en la ciudad de Nueva York corrientemente, es factible hacer otro tipo de arreglo para recibir su pedido. Por favor comuníquese por correo electrónico

Echo From The Cave: 123

Monday May 18, 2020 NY

GRACE OF THE MASTER: Shri Mahayogi’s Visit to NY this Winter

Pranam to our Beloved Master, Shri Mahayogi.

We would like to offer our sincere and heartfelt gratitude to Shri Mahayogi
for the precious time that he has spent in New York this past winter,
transmitting the teachings of Yoga and enlivening all
who had the great opportunity to gather at his beautiful lotus feet,
in his infinite grace.  

In its own way, Shri Mahayogi’s visit to New York this winter (mid-December to end of February 2020) heralded the spring, bringing to us a light so bright as to keep our eyes and hearts drawn always upwards towards the Truth. This was the third occasion Shri Mahayogi came to New York over the course of one year, and was his longest stay, almost three months. Who could have known back then how the worldwide situation would be now. But looking back, it feels as if Shri Mahayogi was filling us with the spiritual strength needed to face the rapidly changing conditions of the world.

During those three months, between the weekly Sadhana Programs and the four Satsangha that were offered, many people were drawn to be at the side of the Master. Some came to meet Shri Mahayogi for the first time, some who met Shri Mahayogi during the past visit attended regularly, and there were even some faces that gratefully appeared after many years of absence. A steady stream of practitioners from Japan also made the trip across the world to spend concentrated time of learning with Shri Mahayogi in New York. Whether new or old, whether from the United States, from Europe, or from various parts of Asia, Shri Mahayogi graciously and warmly welcomed all to his side.

Those who had not seen Shri Mahayogi in many years expressed their amazement at the fact that “Shri Mahayogi remains so unchanged. ”Many who experienced Shri Mahayogi for the first time either expressed the deep quietude or joy they felt within themselves afterward or departed from the programs with faces smiling and shining. Again and again, attendees expressed that they had never experienced anything quite like this before, whether in reference to the experience of practicing asana, to the experience of gathering with Shri Mahayogi to ask questions, or, what was probably most impactful and felt most strongly, the experience of Shri Mahayogi himself.

Apart from the concentrated times of learning that occurred during the Satsangha, every Sunday Shri Mahayogi offered a Sadhana program,

in which attendees gathered to practice asana and meditation under the guidance of the Master. In silence, Shri Mahayogi tenderly and with great care and attention watched over all the practitioners in the program, guiding and bringing all to align their minds and hearts with Yoga, and by the end of each class, the space and everything in and around it would become palpably quiet, still, and filled with peacefulness. And there were also times in which Shri Mahayogi pulled together new attendees at the end and offered to answer their questions. In these intimate moments, Shri Mahayogi generously and compassionately transmitted the teaching of Truth, which seemed to calm the tears that some shed as they described their life struggle, while bringing joyous exchanges of laughter with others.

  No one can deny that much has transpired since Shri Mahayogi’s return to Japan, both in New York and around the world, and for many, the past three months have brought significant changes and ample uncertainty. Yet, the great gift of Shri Mahayogi’s presence and this unparalleled opportunity we have had in New York to spend time learning from the Master continues to reverberate strongly in our hearts, and the teachings that come from these concentrated times with Shri Mahayogi can provide sustenance and inspiration not only to those who experienced them first hand, but even to those who read or come to hear about them now and later on.

We are very happy to announce that each of the four Satsangha that Shri Mahayogi offered during this visit have already been or will soon be published in Pranavadipa, Mahayogi Yoga Mission’s online publication of study material (Volumes 64, 65, 66, and 67).

Even if you were unable to attend the Satsangha, we hope that you will read, study and be filled by the spiritual grace that abounds in each and every word and interaction that transpired in the presence of Shri Mahayogi. Even the moments of silence, which are often overflowing the most with this profound grace, can be felt as we read.

Every moment provides us with an opportunity to practice Yoga, every moment provides us with an opportunity that may not come again—every moment is precious. When it comes to the teaching of Truth and the opportunity to put Yoga into practice, may we all strive to not take for granted a single moment that we are given, past, present or future.

Echo From The Cave: 122

Friday Dec 27, 2019 NY

Announcement: Pranavadipa Relaunches!

Pranavadipa, our monthly online subscription-based publication of teachings and study material, has officially relaunched!

We truly appreciate everyone who has been patiently waiting as we transition to a new system. Knowing that through the content of Pranavadipa the powerful Light of Eternal Truth has the opportunity to shine forth and nourish the hearts of those who seek It in their daily lives around the globe, we recognize the importance and preciousness of having this publication available. And we would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support of this work.

Please read more about what Pranavadipa is HERE and how to SUBSCRIBE.


Though the newest volume of Pranavadipa (Vol. 61) is arriving to you a little later than usual, its content is just as rich and enlivening as ever.

The Satsangha published in this Volume is coming from Shri Mahayogi’s visit to Matsuyama in Japan, where seekers have been practicing and building their understanding of the teachings of Yoga. Though there have been Yoga activities happening and slowly building in Matsuyama since 2005 it is only in the past few years that Shri Mahayogi has begun to travel there on a regular basis to offer Satsangha to the practitioners. You can surely feel how the attendees of the Satsangha must recognize and cherish this precious opportunity to ask the questions they have been waiting to ask and value these important moments at the feet of the Master to seek his guidance so that they can advance their practice until the next opportunity.

The questions themselves are clearly based in the actual challenges faced in daily life that the practitioners are facing as they strive to implement the teachings of Yoga into both their surroundings and in the way their mind approaches or views the situations they are in. These challenges are nothing unique to those who are asking them, but are common things that we all face and can all easily relate to.

Shri Mahayogi crisply and compassionately teaches about true independence, concrete discrimination within the mind, how to approach and interact with loved ones, how to train the mind and how to face a lack of passion and rather cultivate what is lacking. The stark truth of Shri Mahayogi’s words, from beginning to end, seem to shake confusion, misunderstanding, and lack of determination out of our minds—and at the same time inspire us to proceed forth on the path of Yoga with vigor and resolve.

This Volume’s Testimony, written by Sananda, consists of two articles from a series called “Yoga Explained.” The first of the two articles introduces and breaks down for us what Yoga is, in relation to the second and most important of the sutra contained in the ancient scripture: “Yoga is the restraint of the activities of the mind.” It goes on to detail where the teaching of Yoga originates, how it is passed down, and the importance of this state of Yoga being transmitted by one who has mastered it in absolute. And the second article contains a very relatable and practical explanation of how the mind functions and where its activity comes from to begin with. This is the great science of Yoga! Together, these articles, with their many examples and easy language, provide us with a generous amount of detail and understanding that only comes from studying the teachings of Yoga by actually practicing and experiencing them.

May we all be inspired to aim to discover for ourselves through putting practice into action the depth of understanding and realization that can only come through actual experience!


Echo From The Cave: 121

Monday Oct 21, 2019 NYC

Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa to Visit New York this Winter!

We are delighted to announce that Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa will return to New York December 2019 to March 2020!

December, the darkest of months, also marks the time when new light springs forth from that very darkness. It is an auspicious time of new beginnings and we are filled with gratitude to have the opportunity to invite the great light of the Satguru (the ultimate dispeller of darkness) firmly into our hearts and into our presence, to guide us along the path of Yoga, the path towards Oneness.

Please mark your calendars, spread the good news and treasure each upcoming moment to experience and learn from Shri Mahayogi.

• Register for Satsangha with Shri Mahayogi
Four Saturdays, 3:00-4:30pm
Dec 21, 2019
Jan 18, 2020
Feb 8 & 29

•Register for Yoga Sadhana Practice Programs
Sundays 3-5pm
Dec 15, 2019 – Mar 1, 2020

Advanced reservation for all programs is required by:
• Registering online from the above links
• Contacting
• Registering during MYM regular classes

For all programs with Shri Mahayogi, please arrive 30 minutes early.



Echo From The Cave: 120

Tuesday Sep 10, 2019 NYC

Words of Gratitude: Shri Mahayogi’s Visit to New York, Summer 2019

We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to our Beloved Master,
Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa,
for once again accepting the invitation to come to New York,
and tirelessly leading those who are here waiting your teaching and guidance
with nothing but the utmost unconditional love.
The resplendent light of your Truth
never fails to touch and ease the hearts of those
who arrive at your feet.

Shri Mahayogi’s visit to New York this summer spanned a period of time that was about a month and a half (July 14th to September 1st) in length. Though the time passed quickly, it was very precious for all of us. During this visit, Shri Mahayogi led us brilliantly and with remarkable powerfulness, both in moments of silence and with the sharp precision of his words that seemed to dispel any notion of ignorance or misinterpretation that our minds might conjure up. The nearness of his unshakeable presence brought an intensity into the lives of many of those who encountered him and certainly it is through his grace that the meaning of the teachings seemed to start to unfold within the efforts made in our daily lives. The words that were spoken spontaneously by his disciples in New York at the end of the last class on Sunday September 1st surely reflect exactly this experience.

But what was especially delightful to hear were the words we received from some of the new voices:

Shri Mahayogi has so much care for each of the students, and I feel the peace and serenity that is coming from him.”

“What a beautiful class last night! All the classes this summer were wonderful, but it was especially meaningful to hear the students speak their heart. Shri Mahayogi’s students love him – and rightly so: it is a joy to practice Yoga in his presence. The classes are efficiently run with great elegance. Together with all the other students, I look forward to Shri Mahayogi’s return to New York.

What is so wonderful about hearing these impressions, is that these words are the testimony of what the new attendees are witnessing right in front of their eyes—the exquisite love story of the Guru and his disciples—they are the testimony that such a thing is possible, and it exists here and in this present time!!! What these testimonials indicate is something that may very well have a great significance in the future, much beyond what we can understand, sense or imagine at this moment.

Shri Mahayogi is always the same, but this time, with the sangha in New York, there was definitely something different. Last summer, before Shri Mahayogi left for Japan, he left homework for us, which we have been working on facing since then. He pointed out using a metaphor that the sangha in New York was in the following condition: thinking that we have been rowing hard in our own boats aimed toward the shore of Satori, the fact of the matter is that a rope on our boat is tied to the shore of the world, therefore no matter how much rowing, the boat does not progress forward. So first, the task is to clarify and identify what these ropes are.

Before we received this homework from Shri Mahayogi, we had planned to start a study group in order to make efforts to learn the teaching concretely and practically right after Shri Mahayogi’s visit, but the central focus became clear with his message to us, as if he put the spirit into the group. We set the first session to be a period of three months in order to make it easier to participate for all, then we started to learn about the mind together concretely and practically, meeting every two weeks with those sangha members willing to work on their own minds and fully commit to this period of time. When we completed the first session, participants of the program then requested to continue, so we organized the second session, and changed the name from “Study Group” to “Study in Practice” group. This summer during Shri Mahayogi’s stay, unlike during Shri Mahayogi’s visit in the winter, we continued with the program, and we are seeing that this effort, along with participants’ continuous work of facing themselves, was reflected in the more proactive attitude and concrete questions asked during the various Satsangha. Something positive and powerful has been ignited and embarked upon, even though it has taken longer for some than for others. More time might be needed until we see the more concrete result from it all, but we believe that this transformation will only contribute to what’s to come.

Having said that, is all of this done by us?

Certainly not, certainly everything is done by Shri Mahayogi. Through Shri Mahayogi everything acts, everything becomes possible, and everything is maintained. It is precisely the example that Krishna gives in the Bhagavad Gita as he teaches Arjuna.

All is by the grace of the primordial Guru. May we each vow to continue to walk the path towards Sanatana Dharma and allow this grace to manifest itself more and more through each of us as the tools of the Master.

The following are speeches offered by disciples at the end of the class on September 1st, just before Shri Mahayogi returned to Japan.


Elena, representing the sangha in New York, offered flowers to Shri Mahayogi.

Shri Mahayogi, I remember so vividly when I met you the first time, and I remember feeling this new incredible love, that my heart could barely contain. Shri Mahayogi you have changed me forever. And I am so grateful for the blessings that you bestowed upon me, your endless love, kindness and patience. After being in your presence, I now cannot imagine missing one opportunity to be here. Also, listening to your teachings, seeing your smile, and feeling your love that you have for us, any worries, and any obstacles that I have fade away, and I want to be here forever. I carry you with me in my daily life, and sometimes when I’m faced with challenging situations I ask myself, “What would Shri Mahayogi say or do?” It may seem strange, but sometimes I picture your face in the faces of the people I interact with. I am determined to continue deepening my practice, following the teachings the best way that I can, but I know that I won’t be able to do anything without Shri Mahayogi’s grace. My heart is overflowing with love, and I would like to express my endless gratitude for your love, for your teachings, and for your continued trips to New York in order to teach all of us, answering our questions tirelessly. I also would like to humbly ask you to please return to New York as soon as possible, maybe even this winter please. Thank you.”   Elena

Karuna then spoke on behalf of the sangha of New York.
“Beloved Master, Shri Mahayogi, I speak on behalf of sangha and everyone who has received your teachings during this visit to New York. We would like to express our deepest gratitude. We cherish every opportunity to be with you. I have been lucky to witness those who receive your teachings and put them in their heart—they experience and discover a new kind of happiness. And for us, your disciples, you have inspired us to question and think about more seriously the purpose of our lives, how do we want to live our lives and for what. For every little step that we take, you give us reassurance through joy and a little more faith, and this makes a big difference—we are eternally grateful.

And personally, I would like to say that I have a big debt to you because I am finally accepting that nothing in the world can fulfill the true longing of my heart but your Yoga. I feel like a simple “thank you” is not enough. My heart rejoices because of you and I want to scream, “Shri Mahayogi is here! Jai Jai Jai!” And I would like everyone to hear it and to come and experience you in person, because there are many people longing for the Truth. I would like to invite everyone to  vow in reverence, all who are present. We will take care of each other, we will support each other, and strengthen each other in the way of Yoga, the way of true Love that you bring to us. We bow at your lotus feet Shri Mahayogi with the wish that you return in December, as soon as you can, so that we may delight in receiving you, and may I say, “Jai Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansaki, Jai!”   Karuna

“Shri Mahayogi, I would like to express my appreciation and thank you for spending your summer with us. Since I met you ten years ago, how much change there has been. I think about a year ago, how different my mind was compared to now. After going through the Study in Practice group, I see the great transformation that is taking place, not only in me, but in all of us who are participating. We know that this is you teaching us, and I would like to continue to end this bondage that I know my mind is in, I would like to continue to work deeper to remove this bondage. Because, since the Study in Practice group, it has given me a lot more faith, a lot more hope, to see that transformation, Satori, is possible. And I greatly hope to see that you return in December, please.”    Aniruddha

“Shri Mahayogi, I remember a couple of years ago I talked about the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha, and how I didn’t understand the importance of the Three Jewels. I’ve been with you for over 20 years and I can’t believe I’m just starting to understand. How is that? You’re just saying the same thing and it hasn’t penetrated, I don’t know why. But thank God for the sangha—they weren’t easy, but your teachings, we all came together and said that we will focus on your teachings. You teaching us the Dharma, and us trying to practice it, little by little, I feel the change in me, and I appreciate it. Please come, we need you, please. Thank you.”    Kamalakshi

“Shri Mahayogi, I’m really bad with using words, but I just want to extend my heart, and I want to sing to you.  … (beginning to sing the Stotram that was composed for Shri Mahayogi, the sangha joins in)     Please come back! (crying) …in December.”  Nandi

“Shri Mahayogi, thank you for coming this summer again to New York. In the last few months I was put in a very difficult situation, or I should say, I put myself in a very difficult situation, and I was faced to choose between the path of karma and the path of Yoga. But because of Shri Mahayogi’s blessings, and because of Shri Mahayogi’s presence in New York this summer, because of sangha, because of the teachings, I think I was able to not go with the path of karma. And Shri Mahayogi, together with sangha, pulled me to stay on the path of Yoga, so I would like to say thank you so much. So, the experience of this past few months showed me how strong karma can be and how easily the world can pull the mind towards that karma. So, I’m just so afraid, I just don’t know if I can last until next summer…so I know the winter in New York is cold, but it can also be very beautiful, especially with your presence. Please consider to come earlier than summer. Thank you so much.”   Ekanta

“Shri Mahayogi, I don’t have many words right now, but as your worst disciple… (Moksha: “I thought that was me!” (laughter from all)) I’m so grateful for your presence, and I checked my calendar for December and it’s pretty clear, so I hope to see you. Thank you for your presence, for teaching us and for being here for all of us.”   Yajna

“I have often been stepping on landmines, but I feel that I have started to be able to see them now so that I can clear them away. I would like to strengthen myself. I will practice diligently.”       Yashoda

“Shri Mahayogi, I don’t think that I have expressed enough gratitude for the sangha that much or for Shri Mahayogi. But deep in my heart, I really am very grateful and I have a lot of love for this space. And I really feel it’s a new and real family. And I’m finally starting to understand discrimination and karma yoga, a little bit. Maybe it’s been a little bit hard because we all keep pushing each other and we all have different minds, so sometimes it is hard to know how to go about being together, but every time I trusted Shri Mahayogi inside, I felt that there was a way. So, thank you very much and please come back in December. I also don’t have anything in my calendar.”    Prapatti

Shri Mahayogi, when I met you I was a very young man, and now I’m not such a young man anymore. For many years after I met you, I didn’t know anything about Yoga, but whatever it was, I knew that you had It and had really realized It. I was 100% sure of this. And still I went in the other direction many times and chose the path of karma. But every step of that path you were always with me, 100% of the time, and my mind was always on you no matter what I was doing. Now I started coming back more and more and I can see that my brothers and sisters are growing and I don’t want to fall behind. And last night (during the Satsangha) you taught that if the parents of a child are learning the Truth, then it is not the path of karma. My daughter Prema, I think of her as belonging to Atman, rather than to me. And I must realize the Truth and practice seriously so she can also follow this path. Thank you for everything and when you come back to New York I will come too, because I don’t want to fall behind. I need to be here with my brothers and sisters, and learn Yoga properly.”    Moksha (visiting from Berlin, Germany)

“Shri Mahayogi, your grace is so endless, you are so peerless, and each time you come you bring us such strength and such blessings. In working with your sangha, the way that you guide us is so unique. No one can do that, it blows my mind every time. I feel your hand in everything and I feel you in everything, showing us the way. I see in myself and in all of the sangha, you are revealing that we are not these unique individuals, but we are really the same One. And I am so grateful for this teaching and that you continue to guide us. Please return soon. If it’s not December, January is fine too. Shri Mahayogi spoke something in one of the first classes that he alone has been reestablishing the true Yoga. Everything that comes from you is so, so pure, I feel that Shiva himself is here teaching us. We are so lucky here in New York to receive the asana class, that nowhere else receives right now. Please continue to guide us and lead us. Thank you very much.”    Sadhya

Then Shri Mahayogi bestowed us the following words:

“I am always with you. One day you will realize that you are me. Don’t forget what you have said today, and I wish that for the next time when I see, you will have grown bigger and more deeply, and that you will have come more and more close to being the United, One. You are Atman, you are God. That is it. It’s simply that. Resolve the worldly tasks or troubles as they arise right in the moment, and then forget them. And always bear God in your heart.”
—Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa

“Dearest Beloved Shri Mahayogi, we look forward your return in this winter!!! Jai Jai Jai”

Echo From The Cave: 119

Thursday Aug 1, 2019 NYC

Project Sahasrara Releases Very First Images of Shri Mahayogi on YouTube!

Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa:
A Modern Age Yogi Who Abides in Self-Realization

Today, with great excitement and anticipation, we are announcing the release of the very first YouTube video featuring rare video footage, photographs and teachings of our Beloved Master, Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa!!

For all of the disciples and devotees of Shri Mahayogi, this is a historical moment as it symbolizes our hope that the Great Existence of Shri Mahayogi, the concrete manifestation of Enlightenment and of Sanatana Dharma (the Eternal Truth that has been preached since ancient times) will fly out into the world unbounded to touch the hearts of not only those who are searching today, but those who will search in future generations, beyond our time on this earth.


Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa—One with the Eternal Truth—is the living existence of Yoga and proof that Sanatana Dharma is real and attainable. Since 1976, when he was first sought out and requested to teach, Shri Mahayogi has been quietly yet tirelessly guiding seekers from all walks of life to taste and experience for themselves this indubitable Truth that is the essence of everyone and everything.

What is the purpose of life? What are we living for? These questions, universal to human beings in all times and places, are at the heart of what true Yoga teaches, the Yoga that has been passed down from Guru to disciple for thousands of years. Until the 19th century, awareness of Yoga and its teaching remained largely unseen and difficult to find. In order to find an authentic teacher and to receive the teachings of Yoga one had to search far and wide in India, often with the willingness to leave all else behind in that search.

Today, Yoga abounds in both East and West, but the search for the authentic teacher and the authentic, ancient teaching is as difficult as in times past. Though Shri Mahayogi has been guiding seekers since 1976, his existence has remained relatively unknown, as has his teaching, the sole purpose of which is to bring seekers to the ultimate state of Yoga as quickly and efficiently as possible.

As we look toward the Great Mission of Shri Mahayogi’s existence on this earth, our hearts are impassioned with the desire for an ever-widening circle of people to have the opportunity to experience and learn these precious teachings of Yoga that come directly from Shri Mahayogi’s continuous immersion in this highest state of Yoga.

Until now, we have closely guarded the precious image of Shri Mahayogi, as we believe that even the image of Shri Mahayogi is enlivened by the very presence of the Master himself and therefore have been striving to ensure that that sacred image is treated with the utmost care and respect that we would want Shri Mahayogi to receive in person.

But in knowing that now more than ever the world needs to receive news of true Yoga, to see and touch the existence of a true Yogi, one who has mastered Yoga through and through, and to receive the great blessing of Shri Mahayogi’s existence, we invite you all to share this video far and wide. We invite you to share Yoga, to share the existence of this ancient path that leads to the true unchangeable Bliss and Freedom that we all seek from the depths of our heart, and to share this precious and rare opportunity that we all have right now to experience and learn from a living Master of Yoga!


Shri Mahayogi is currently in NYC until September 1st. Find opportunities to learn directly from Shri Mahayogi HERE.

Echo From The Cave: 118

Friday July 26, 2019 NYC 

Shri Mahayogi’s Words of Truth Resound in New York,
“Sadhana Program with Shri Mahayogi” – July 21st, 2019

It is with great joy that we announce that on July 14th we welcomed our most revered Master, Shri Mahayogi, back to New York! Even though we might not have fully realized yet…how fortunate we are to be able to learn Asana and Meditation in the presence of Shri Mahayogi. And last Sunday, all who were attending the class received the extra blessing of Shri Mahayogi offering a time for Satsangha at the end of the class. He answered each question so energetically, straightforwardly and powerfully. During the first Satsangha, held just the night before, time passed very quickly and with multiple attendees from out of town or meeting Shri Mahayogi for the first time, some had expressed that they still had questions remaining even after time ran out that night. Upon hearing this, Shri Mahayogi graciously decided to offer this extra time to ask questions at the end of the Sadhana Program on Sunday (July 21st, 2019).

Here, we would like to invite you to read the words he spoke and receive the spirit of his message that shone like an unwavering light into the hearts of all attendees.


Q: If we are universal energy, why do we become humans?

MASTER: In order for this world and all things to be born, some materials or ingredients and a driving power are needed. That universal energy [you mentioned], that which causes it all to move, is prana. Prana, the power that moves this world and everything, is the power that creates all things. The workings of the mind too are activated by prana.

There’s a reason why a human is born into this shape of the body. It is karma. Karma means receiving in this life the results of the causes that were created in past lives. If you have a very intense attachment to animals or plants, then you may be born as that, the form that you wish for, in the next life. However, usually a human will repeat as a human. This [birth] creates karma, and it’s purpose is to bring that karma to an end and clear it out. As you sow, so shall you reap.

And what’s important is what I haven’t told you yet. Everyone goes through daily life, and there you experience various tastes—happiness, joy, pain, sadness and so on. On the whole, everything is suffering. Even if you think that you’ve lived a fortunate life, in the end, “death” comes. When death comes, you cannot take your loved ones, the material things you love, or anything whatsoever. Neither can you take happiness. But instead, you will bring karma with you. And in the next incarnation, you will reap what you have sown. If you investigate and find the cause of karma, you will arrive at the cause of being attached to your desires. The cause of your desires is ignorance. Ignorance is not knowing the Truth, rather, in opposition to that, the mind has mistaken karma [as the truth]. Unless one gets rid of ignorance, one cannot truly attain happiness.

Then what must you do? You must listen to the teachings of someone who has realized this Truth. That is the meaning of learning the scriptures. Scriptures are the words of Truth of these Awakened Beings from ancient times to modern times. And then, follow their advice or teachings and act upon them. Action does not only mean movements of the body, but includes words and thoughts within the mind. If you do that, then the mind can completely transform. Learning and practicing disciplines specialized for this is Yoga. Yoga is not simply about relaxation or healing. (smiling) Yoga is the teaching for realizing such Truth, which has also been passed down since ancient times as well. It includes various teachings and methods. However, what is important is to learn the Truth and realize It. One means is to inquire into “Who is the real Self?” What you normally think of as your mind is not the true Self. The true Self is the Pure Consciousness that is witnessing the mind. You see, even now, your mind is known by somebody. There is someone there within who knows that—that is the Pure Consciousness. Pure Consciousness does not say anything, It only sees. It only knows. However, That is your true Self. And that true Self is Immortal Existence. To know this, to realize this is the most important thing for a human being to do.


Q: How do you connect to and love others—family, friends—without attachment?

MASTER: True Love is to devote yourself to others. If you can do that, then true Love without expecting anything in return will arise.


Q: I remember once I heard that you mentioned that if Swami Vivekananda were here today he would be disappointed in the way we are understanding Yoga. So, my question is, is Shri Mahayogi disappointed in the way the world is practicing, and how can we encourage young people in the world to practice more of the right Yoga?

MASTER: I too strongly feel exactly the same as Swami Vivekananda. He sailed to the United States towards the end of the 19th century, and upon seeing the corruption of Christianity [in this country] he preached to them as well. A hundred years have passed since then, and because of him the philosophy of India and Yoga have come to be spread across the West. And in this current age, Yoga is very popular throughout the world. Yet people are merely using Yoga to meet easy requests, which are simply beauty, health, and relaxation. Indeed, that means that these [types of so-called] Yoga are corrupted. If I speak clearly, these [practices] are not Yoga at all. They are using Yoga and they are only imitating Yoga. Yoga, from the beginning to the end, is only spiritual; it is for liberating the Soul. I have been transmitting that alone. And there are people here who share the same thoughts—and I am very happy about that. So I would like you to continue this pure Yoga from India and continue to practice it from now on too. The fake always disappears once it is put in front of the real thing. Your Atman, the shining Truth within you, will make that come true. (smiling)



On Saturday July 20th, the first Satsangha of the three in this visit was held. The questions were active without any pause. From beginning to end it seemed as if the attendees hearts were captured by Shri Mahayogi and all were rapt with joy, laughter and light-heartedness as Shri Mahayogi answered question after question with such ease, such strength and such sheer enthusiasm for the pure Truth. This Satsangha will be shared in Pranavadipa, our online monthly publication.

May we all strive to actualize and experience these words of Truth.


We invite you all to attend the next Sadhana Program this Sunday July 28th and the next Satsangha on August 10th.

For all programs with Shri Mahayogi, registration in advance is required in person during regular class or online.

Click to reserve a seat for Satsangha
Click to register for Yoga Sadhana

Saturdays, 7:30 – 9pm
– August 10 & 31

Sundays 6 – 8pm
– July 14, 21, 18
– August 4, 11, 18, 25
– September 1

Echo From The Cave: 117

Wednesday July 10, 2019 NYC

Shri Mahayogi has Arrived in New York & Programs Begin this Sunday!
EDITOR’S NOTE: Pranavadipa 56

Pranam to our great and most revered Master, Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa!!!!

Tonight we welcome Shri Mahayogi’s arrival in New York with joyous hearts!

It is a mere few days before the first Yoga Sadhana program directed by Shri Mahayogi during this visit will be held (Sunday July 14th, 6-8pm at Still Mind Zendo).

This summer Shri Mahayogi will graciously offer regular Yoga Sadhana programs each week, including practice of asana and meditation, as well as three Satsangha (gatherings to request and receive teachings and guidance from Shri Mahayogi). See below for dates and pre-registration information.

Each and every opportunity to be in the presence of Shri Mahayogi and experience his teaching, whether in silence or through words, is a truly unique and precious opportunity, as Shri Mahayogi is unlike any teacher, in the more conventional sense of the word.

Most often if we attend a program offered by someone who is considered to be a teacher, many of us may expect to hear some kind of lecture, or to receive some kind of pamphlet of steps to follow to guide us along the way. And often times, it is the case that the teacher is prepared with special materials, a talk, or some sort of an agenda that has been planned out in advance, regardless of whether the students are known or unknown.

But as we learn in this month’s issue of Pranavadipa (Vol. 56), when asked “Why do you teach?” Shri Mahayogi’s simple response is:

“The answer is behind your words … I am empty.”

Indeed, our great master and teacher offers his words solely as a reflection of the true nature that already exists within one and all, that is, pure eternal Existence. He teaches us not by lecturing, or giving us a formula, but by showing us through his every way of being that the essence of each and every one of us is one and the same. The teaching may come variously and unexpectedly as we inquire and seek. But no matter the method he continuously and spontaneously guides each individual according to their circumstance and need in the moment—always towards the concrete experience of this inherent nature within.


For all programs with Shri Mahayogi, registration in advance is required in person during regular class or online.

Click to reserve a seat for Satsangha
Click to register for Yoga Sadhana

Saturdays, 7:30 – 9pm
– July 20
– August 10 & 31

Sundays 6 – 8pm
– July 14, 21, 28
– August 4, 11, 18, 25
– September 1


In this month’s issue of Pranavadipa (Vol. 56) the questions and answers that are compiled here from various Satsangha, are a clear demonstration of the depth of mastery and widespread knowledge that Shri Mahayogi provides to seekers. Shri Mahayogi seamlessly expounds on topics that range from how to practice pratyahara (control of the senses – the 5th limb of raja yoga), to the various forms and depths in which kriya yoga is practiced, to the mechanism of the mind and its relationship to time, to the spirit of renunciation, and the relationship of tapas and Brahman, to name a few—and throughout all teachings it seems as if Shri Mahayogi is not only emphasizing the importance of proactive discrimination of the mind’s activities as a part of the actual practice of Yoga, but is also giving a variety of forms that the practice of discrimination may take, essentially providing us with an array of tools that we can put to use at any given moment in our daily lives. One can’t help but feel that such a consistent level of detail and precision across all topics can surely only come as a result of direct experience. Indeed it is truly a  great honor to have the opportunity to learn from such Master!

The content from the various Satsangha in Vol. 56 provide an excellent taste of what Satsangha with Shri Mahayogi can be like and what kinds of questions can be asked. Like mentioned above, Shri Mahayogi reflects the answer to us that is already behind our own words. But in order to receive the profound offering of Shri Mahayogi’s most vibrant words, we must first inquire. Without the inquiry, Shri Mahayogi has no need to lecture or mention anything about what is already naturally inherent within us all.

Therefore, as we prepare to attend Satsangha and take these most valuable opportunities to learn from Shri Mahayogi, let us be inspired by this month’s issue of Pranavadipa, and also prepare our own genuine questions coming from our seeking along this path, so that we may humbly receive the profound yet keen guidance of Shri Mahayogi.


In this month’s Testimony, we have the opportunity to read the experience of Karuna as she strives to deepen in practice of Yoga and understand what the true meanings of santosha and ahimsa are through trying to put these two teachings to the test and apply them in daily life.

Oftentimes, as we approach the practice of Yoga, it can be challenging to know how to deepen in our practice and consequently, how to deepen in our understanding, going beyond simply making sense intellectually of what we have heard or what we have read. In Karuna’s example, however, we can see the efforts that she makes as well as how she is beginning to confront what she starts to discover within herself as a result of these efforts. It is the very process of how one goes about driving the practice deeper and deeper.

Indeed, true practice of Yoga often involves a breaking down of our own limited ideas and a re-training to align ourselves with the Truth. The sincerity of Karuna’s example can provide inspiration as well as concrete examples of how to apply practice to propel oneself deeper and towards real transformation of one’s very own self.


Echo From The Cave: 116

Sunday June 16, 2019 NYC

Editor’s Note: Pranavadipa Volume 55

In this month’s issue of Pranavadipa (Vol. 55), Shri Mahayogi’s teaching starts off with one that is very important, the law of karma:

We must accept our role within our respective situations as our own duty and then perform it, because these situations are results that were brought about by none other than one’s own self, from one’s own karma from the past. If we abandon our own duty, we cannot resolve the results of our own karma, but only postpone them.

“The arrow that is shot upright falls upon the shooter’s head”—this is a fact taught in Yoga (considered to be science of the mind), and it is the same as what Lord Buddha taught—it is a very important teaching of the Universal law and we ought to continuously bear it in our mind.

As we know through the experiences of our daily lives, tomorrow is the outcome of today. But here, in regard to the law of karma, the arrows are not necessarily only from this lifetime, but can also be from our past lives. Indeed, when we are experiencing suffering, it is difficult to accept this Universal law, yet if we take a moment to think of it as the outcome from our own past thoughts, words and deeds, and then go further to understand and accept this, there is neither a situation nor a person to be blamed. There is nothing to do but simply accept this and work on our own selves internally. If we don’t do it now, the arrows will eventually come anyway, possibly with even greater force. The beauty of this work is that once we actually start to do it, its benefit will continue to extend, and because we will begin to see things from different perspectives, and most importantly with gratitude, our interactions with others will naturally become more harmonious.

Going further, Yoga teaches that we can avoid future suffering, as stated in the Yoga Sutra 2:16: “Future pain is that which is to be avoided.” If we borrow the words of Swami Vivekananda to explain this—Some karma we have worked out already, some we are working out in our present life, and some is waiting to bear fruit in a future life. The first kind is past and gone. The second we shall have to work out. It is only that which is waiting to bear fruit in the future that we can conquer and control; and toward this end all our forces should be directed. The way to do so is to put the teachings of Yoga into practice. Yoga is empirical.

The above sutra continues into another important one: “The cause of the pain which is to be avoided is the conjunction of the Seer and the Seen.” Yoga Sutra 2:17

The law of karma mentioned above is taught in the first teaching of this issue, titled: “The Meaning of Duty in Yoga—Karma Yoga.” The topics that follow answer the questions: what is the meaning of karma yoga? What does it mean to fulfill one’s duty? What does it mean to devotedly take actions in service of others? Then Shri Mahayogi teaches that as the practice of Yoga deepens, the understanding and practice of karma yoga in action expands.

Often times the word “karma yoga” is misused to refer to work exchange, but in fact, karma yoga has nothing to do with an exchange of any kind. In other cases, the concept of “service to others” is simply viewed or understood as volunteer work or works of charity. Of course, it is great to help others and to provide support where needed, and we should practice to do so in whatever way possible and in any circumstance. But we must always remember “who the doer is.” Shri Mahayogi reveals that the true meaning of service to others is to act only with the thought of the other, from the understanding that all is One—that there is only God—until one is void of the notion of “I” and “me.”

May we all study these practical teachings carefully and be inspired to actualize them in our moment to moment lives, striving to think and act for the good of others, while at the same time not neglecting our own spiritual disciplines and practices.


This month’s Testimony, an article from a series written by Sanatana about Buddha and his teachings (see Vol. 6 for another article in the series: “The Twelve Dependent Originations”), is truly a profound source of study material and inspiration. Through Sanatana’s writing it is as if we are being transported to the ancient world of Buddha to touch for ourselves the feeling of Buddha’s relentless passion for the Truth.

Here Sanatana relates the understanding he has gained through the study and practice of the foremost teachings of Buddha—the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Noble Path—under the guidance of Shri Mahayogi, breaking them down and making them easily relatable to the world we are all living in today. As we read, let us all feel for ourselves the timeless nature of the teachings of Buddha that reverberate even now, thousands of years after his lifetime, and strive with the same reverence and passion as Sanatana to practice and come to know them for ourselves.