Echo from The Cave: 65

Wed Dec 13th, 2017    NYC

Editor’s Note: Pranavadipa Volume 37

December 8th marks the day that, after having determined single mindedly, with no other desire in his heart, to sit until he had fully realized the Truth, the Buddha awakened into Satori, the One Eternal Truth.

On this same day, in 2017, we have started a new cycle of Pranavadipa—our fourth year! As disciples living far away from our Master, it was out of our desire to stay connected, our  eagerness to know and live our master’s teachings, and in feeling that his teaching is far too precious, too immense and too grand for our hearts alone to keep, that three years ago we began  Pranavadipa  with the hope of introducing Shri Mahayogi’s existence and his teachings to others. We hope to reach many people and also ask that you join in our efforts by supporting this work so that we can continue to make this teaching available.

Last month in Pranavadipa, Vol. 36, we had the chance to read in the Testimony some articles written by Anandi, a disciple of Shri Mahayogi in Japan. Many people mentioned how beautiful it was to read Anandi’s articles, especially the part when, upon hearing Shri Mahayogi’s advice, she apologized to her father, with whom she had had a strained relationship, for her disrespectful behavior, vowing to change herself. Indeed, it is quite a beautiful and remarkable act, but we should not remain with just the feeling that it is beautiful or remarkable, because within that act there is an important secret that we must discover for ourselves.

The other day, at the end of our class, Sadhya shared with us that although she herself had started to practice asana and meditation daily right away after meeting Shri Mahayogi, she was amazed by how straightforwardly Anandi put Shri Mahayogi’s first advice to her into action in daily life and how clear her aim must have been from the get go in order to do so!

It was from that moment of the very first meeting  that Anandi put all her efforts towards acting upon the teaching that she had received from Shri Mahayogi. Whether it was due to Anandi’s sincere desire to improve something about herself and her situation, or whether it was due to what that first meeting with Shri Mahayogi kindled within her, one thing is for certain: because of Anandi’s clear aim and passion towards it, she was able to act immediately on the teaching, without question, without complaint, and as a result she was able to experience the concrete result. There is so much we can learn from that!

In Pranavadipa (Volume 37), the theme of passion towards one’s aim arises once again in the Satsangha and in the Testimony. Both are coming from Taiwan.

The Satsangha is the second of four Satsangha that took place in Taipei when Shri Mahayogi visited Taiwan for the first time in May this year, at the invitation of disciples.

From Shri Mahayogi’s first visit to Taiwan in May 2017

Well over one hundred seekers gathered to meet Shri Mahayogi, recognizing the rareness and preciousness of this opportunity. For the majority of the attendees, this was their first opportunity to meet Shri Mahayogi, and not knowing when such an opportunity may arise again, attendees brought their earnest questions as well as a true desire to learn the teaching of the Truth and to apply the teaching practically in their lives. In their questions, the attendees gradually began to open themselves more and more to Shri Mahayogi, and as a result of their open search to resolve their heartfelt inquiries, Shri Mahayogi offers some of the most basic and foundational teachings of Yoga in a way that gives everyone the most practical tools to move forward in walking the path of Yoga.

The Testimony, which is written by Priya, is truly a testimony to her concrete experience of the efforts she has made towards putting the teaching of Yoga concretely into practice. Even though the sangha in Taiwan is relatively new in relation to sangha in Japan or in New York, the hunger for the teaching is strong and it is easy for us to feel inspired to clarify our own aim.

It is invigorating to read through the Satsangha and Testimony and feel the fresh energy that comes from the sincerity of wanting to learn and practice, indeed. The following is also a great example of this sincerity. It is an article written for the Mission’s blog in Kyoto by our new sangha member, Pan Pan, from Taiwan, right before Siri Mahayogi’s second visit to Taiwan this year.

Sangha in Taiwan in March 2017. Practicing and preparing for Shri Mahayogi’s first visit to Taiwan. (form left) Priya (in the front), Sou, Pan Pan, Marula, Mirabai (visiting from Kyoto), Tzu Yi and Radha


How I Felt Encountering Shri Mahayogi

In May 2017, Shri Mahayogi came to Taiwan for the first time, and four special Satsangha were held.

During the first Satsangha, as soon as Shri Mahayogi entered the room, tears began to flow out of my eyes like a broken faucet. It was not as if my mind was sad or suffering, so I didn’t know why I couldn’t stop the tears at all. I’ve never experienced anything like it before, and I still don’t know the reason for it.

On the afternoon of May the 13th, the third Satsangha was held.

Before every Satsangha, I wrote down many questions on paper. But, since the participants’ thirst for the unknown was all similar to each others’, my questions were resolved one by one through the questions and answers of others’. Shri Mahayogi answered everyone’s questions with such unwavering earnestness!  He also made it clear for us, with simple answers, that there is only “That,” and that the Truth is not something that is out of reach. However, there was one question that arose in my mind…

In that moment, after Shri Mahayogi answered one of the participant’s questions, there was a pause. Then I tried to raise my hand, but Shri Mahayogi still continued to answer the previous question. I was seriously, deeply listening, so I forgot to raise my hand and others kept asking questions. But it appeared to be that no one asked the question that came to my mind, and that question kept lingering within me. After several questions and answers passed, I finally got the chance to ask my question!

When I raised my hand, Shri Mahayogi looked at me firmly. That gaze spoke to me, as if he said, “Hi Pan Pan, I know you. You have finally raised your hand. I know what you want to ask, but say it anyway.”

Pan Pan: “What is the relationship between Guru and disciple? My current understanding is that, when we are children, the teacher is always close to us. I’m sure someone like Shri Mahayogi has many disciples by his side. At the same time, many other disciples cannot be with you all the time. For those disciples that can’t be near, how can they learn?”

After hearing the translation, Shri Mahayogi nodded and said, “The Buddha, before he passed away, said the following words, ‘He who sees merely my body does not truly see me. Only he who lives my teachings truly sees me.’”

What an intense, powerful and reassuring answer! My eyes were immediately filled with tears.

Then, Shri Mahayogi explained the relationship between Guru and disciple in the following way, as a metaphor of light and darkness: “Darkness is ignorance, and in order to eradicate ignorance, light is needed. Originally, disciples are light as well, but it is hidden at the moment. When the disciple’s ignorance is removed by the help of a Guru, then true light appears. In the end, the Guru’s light and the disciple’s light become One. Because originally it was One to begin with.”

At that moment, a ray of light shone through the window from the cloudy sky. Shri Mahayogi’s body became brilliant and his face emitted light. He smiled gloriously. It was as if time stopped, and the room was filled with silence.

Shri Mahayogi continued: “Continue to learn and practice Yoga with an easy mind. I will try to make this body visible to you as much as possible.”

Upon hearing this, Shri Mahayogi, who was blurry from my tears, again appeared clearly. I nodded, was content, and cried while laughing at the same time with joy.

The answer from Shri Mahayogi became my treasure. These days when I meditate, I think of that precious, blessed time.

In another Satsangha, there was another answer that left an impression on me. One of the participants who also served as staff like me asked, “How should we see Shri Mahayogi?”

Shri Mahayogi, smiling, said, “Consider me to be yourself.”

Shri Mahayogi told us that we must practice by putting the teachings of Yoga into action. It’s been four months since then, and every time I think of these words, my mind is filled with strength and light. I began to gradually change my old life patterns. No matter how late I come home from overtime at my job, I have been trying to discipline myself to keep up with what I need to do in my daily life. For example, waking up early to make breakfast and lunch, not overeating with the amount of food, and changing my old habits; using ecological containers; practicing asana every day as much as I can (even though there are times when I’m too tired and I can’t stop yawning late at night, I still keep practicing each asana with all my might until my limit); no longer letting myself be late for work in the morning (simply so that I can earn a reward for attendance and donate it to Shri Mahayogi’s next visit to Taiwan); and training myself to not be affected by things I like or dislike at work and in life…etc. etc.

The other day I felt that lately my mind has become more at peace. When it comes to concerns about my future, I have stopped having so much fear and doubt.

I heard that Shri Mahayogi will visit again in October, which makes me very happy, so much so that I cannot contain myself. I’m so looking forward to it. I pray that even more people can meet Shri Mahayogi, and receive the strength to support themselves, just like me.

Pan Pan


Already many staff voluntarily and willingly put forth their efforts for Shri Mahayogi’s first visit to Taiwan, even though half had not even met Shri Mahayogi yet. The sangha in Taiwan is so cheerful. There were so many smiles and laughs as they coordinated with each other out of a true sense of purpose for doing such a great service. This photo was taken after trying to create the proper space for Satsangha. Naturally a meeting formed outside the room to discuss.


Congratulations to the Sangha in Taiwan!  On December 5th, 2017,  the first publications of Shri Mahayogi’s teaching in Chinese was released: Yoga Asana with Illustrations-Basic!!!  

For information about the class in Taipei and publication in Chinese, please contact:



Echo from The Cave: 64

Tue Dec 5th, 2017 22:30 pm, NYC

Invitation to step towards Satori:
What is Happiness?

What is happiness? This was a question presented at the end of class the other day by Ekanta. This question left everyone quite confounded because we all admitted that we never really gave much thought to what that phrase really meant to us. We hear the terms “Eternal Bliss” and “Eternal Happiness” used by Enlighted Beings all the time and assume it must be some out of this world experience. To learn how we can confront ourselves in order to move forward in clarifying our aim, we were asked to inquire within ourselves honestly and define, according to our own experience, what happiness means to each of us.

Over the following days I asked myself what happiness means to me. Am I even happy now in my life? To be honest, I couldn’t answer any of these questions because I never defined this idea for myself before. I could see that I had ideas society has told me should be moments of joy or happiness, such as achieving a goal or being with family and loved ones. My personal view would be that I feel most happy when I’m pushing the edge and feel alive. In doing these observations, I realized a connection in the moments I would say that I feel happy or joyful, whether that’s having a good lap at an autocross event or having some beautiful woman smile at me. It was all dependent on a favorable condition or result. I reflected on what Ekanta spoke about that night when he mentioned that the reason he had loved surfing was because of the peace that he got from being away from the everyday hustle and the attention he received from others when riding a wave. In observing these correlations that the mind is finding happiness from these positive conditions I began to play a game with my mind and make the outcomes  negative rather than positive; what if Ekanta crashed badly on a wave and was booed or mocked, what if that beautiful lady looked at me scornfully or I didn’t find her attractive at all?; how would I or Ekanta feel? My response would be negative I felt, and am sure Ekanta would not feel good either.

Shri Mahayogi’s teachings about what Truth is immediately came to mind. Truth is not dependent on anything or anyone, it simply exists. This contradiction became very apparent to my mind. Whenever I felt happy or sad it was due to favorable or unfavorable conditions according to the conditioning of my mind. My whole life for a moment began to feel like a lie or just an illusion.

I began to apply this approach of discrimination to many various aspects of my life, with various desires or attachments that the mind tends to be attached to, and the results were all the same, all my attachments are conditional. As I adjusted the variables more and more according to each condition, my mind’s attachments began to weaken, like water tossed on hot steel. In certain situations, just feelings of neutrality occurred. The real difference was observed when I would confront the mind with what Truth is and what It’s not, which it could not deny that this happiness or joy which it claims  to feel is nothing but a lie. True joy would not need the support or condition of something or someone to exist.

When I was asked what do I feel happiness is, I had to admit that I don’t know what that is. All my experiences have been conditional, not based on Truth. What I look forward to as I continued  on, is not happiness but serenity, where the mind is not influenced either negatively or positively by its environment. It can observe and experience the world and remain calm without becoming attached.



Echo from The Cave: 63

Thu Nov 23th, 2017    NYC

Lord Shiva

Today is the day of JAYANTI,
Our Most Revered Guru’s Holy Birth.

We would like to express our utmost gratitude for Our Most Beloved Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa and his birth into this worldly realm. Without the concrete existence of his form and Truth that radiates from beyond the form, we may never know that Truth, Satori, actually exists, that it is not simply a story from ancient times, but It exits here and now and it is possible for us to attain if we firmly set this goal at the center of our hearts and then bring ourselves towards it tirelessly through devoted and constant practice. Our sincerest gratitude extends for the sacrifice that Shri Mahayogi has made to be here, leading us to know our true Self, the Truth.

In honor of this special occasion, in Kyoto, disciples and devotees gathered at the feet of Shri Mahayogi to celebrate this most joyous and significant event, offering messages of heartfelt devotion, dedication, and spiritual growth, as well as kirtan and a divine play from a story of the Upanishad.

In New York, we were very gratefully able to participate in this very special celebration with our brother and sister gurubhai, through live camera. We all, whether it was our first time witnessing this blessed moment or perhaps the second, were touched by the sacredness of the celebration. How much we long to catch a glimpse of our Beloved, to see his radiant smile, and to hear the comfort of his words. We are sincerely grateful we were able to witness something so precious, and to receive the wealth of inspiration and energy that comes from any moment spent in the presence of the Master and our fellow gurubhai.

Lord Shiva

We witnessed the world of the ancient scriptures appear before our eyes last night: Kirtan.
The kirtan was led by Anandi* with the sangha of Matsuyama following (the group was named by Shri Mahayogi 8 years ago as Shantimala). Anandi sat at the feet of the Satguru, directly in front of him, with 15 gurubhai from Matsuyama gathered around her, and with all other gurubhai in a fan shape surrounding them, and then offered her gratitude to our Beloved Master. Her presence, sitting in the center of the crowd, was so strong and grounded, like that of Hanuman—a symbol of the victory of indestructible Faith, the faith enough to cross an entire ocean in one leap, the victory of the Truth. Immediately, from the very first sound of her voice springing forth, glory, praise, love, devotion, dedication, joy and prayer to Lord Shiva, to God, to our Beloved Shri Mahayogi clearly and boundlessly radiated from her, then from the gurubhai from Matsuyama, and then penetrated into our hearts, and into the entire space. It was the manifestation of the fruit of her faithful unwavering commitment, the constant efforts she has been making through the many challenges she has gone through while sharing her devotion to Shri Mahayogi and to Yoga without distinction. Victory is for those who serve the Truth alone through pure faith and love. The strength of her presence felt as though so many of those who have yet to arrive were already there at her side, alongside her at the feet of the Master. In her offering we glimpsed the true heartfelt worship that comes as a result, not of words, but through the power of devotion, of love, and of surrender.

Lord Shiva

“Shiva! Shiva! If we only recite his name he bestows Life upon us.
Ignorance is destroyed and we can live in Truth.
Lord Shiva, Mahayogi, is Shri Mahayogi himself.
With gratitude, I offer this Kirtan to Shri Mahayogi.”

Shiva Shambo
Oh Lord Shiva Shambho, 
You are the destroyer of all fear,
the one who resides in the holy mountains of Kailasa,

He who accompanies Parbhati,
and Lord who leads the bounded soul

the consort of Mother Parvathi,
the one who holds the mighty Ganges in your matted Locks,
The Consort of Mother Gowri –
we pray and offer our humble salutations at Your Feet


Jai Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa Ki Jai!


Nine disciples from Taiwan were present. They came just to attend the Jayanti celebration, and for five of them it was their first time seeing Shri Mahayogi in Japan.

* Several articles written by Anandi are published in the current Testimony of Pranavadipa Vol. 36, as well as in Echo 62.


We also would like to express our gratitude for the staff in Kyoto for all the time, thought, and attention to detail that they put into making the live video participation a possibility.

Nandiswara, Ekanta. Aniruddha

Sadhya, Anandamali, Yashoda, Kamalakshi

Echo from The Cave: 62

Sun Nov 19th, 2017 02:05 am, NYC

Muladhara Cakra

Editor’s Note: Pranavadipa Volume 36

“The evidence of how much you have mastered Yoga appears during our daily lives.”

– Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa

Each month, as the much awaited new issue of Pranavadipa arrives in our mailboxes, we have a new opportunity to receive fresh inspiration for our journey on the path of Yoga. This month (Vol. 36), between Satsangha and the Testimony, the theme of understanding and internalizing the teaching through actual practice arises again and again. In the Satsangha, Shri Mahayogi elaborates on the results of putting the teachings of Yoga into practice, expounding upon the subtleties that would be unknown to anyone who has not thoroughly experienced the Truth for themselves. To give a few examples, Shri Mahayogi breaks down the existence of the grace of God. He teaches about the subtleties of meditation, the way of breaking out of habits of the mind and of karma, and the truth of the ancient teaching coming from the Upanishad that says “Brahman is tapas. Realize Brahman through tapas.” No matter the question, Shri Mahayogi answers each one with skillful detail that provides each practitioner, including those of us who are reading, with concrete tools for practice as well as the inspiration to actually implement them.

In this month’s Testimony, we have the opportunity to glimpse how one disciple of Shri Mahayogi, Anandi (whose questions also appear in the Satsangha), uses the teachings of Shri Mahayogi as the tools and inspiration to transform her everyday life. We can feel her passion for Yoga and for sharing Yoga and Shri Mahayogi in the way she so sincerely shares her honest experience with others through any means possible, be it the grand opening of a café or a column in the local newspaper.

We hope that you will read her articles in this month’s Volume of Pranavadipa. And in addition, we are pleased to invite you to read the following bonus article, which she unabashedly writes for the letterzine of a public service association detailing her own sincere process as she experiences the path of Yoga. The fervor generated from her own experience of Yoga is enough to spark the interest of anyone who reads it.

May we all catch her indomitable spirit and share our own conviction for the path of Yoga by bringing the teachings concretely into our day to day actions.



Article from the summer issue of Syoumei,
a letterzine of the Ehime Public Service Association of Construction’s branch in Matsuyama      by Ms. Fukoue  2008

Anandi (Ms. Fukoue)

The other day when I heard a very studious university female student say, “I am so worn out, that no matter how much sleep I get, I don’t seem to recover from this exhaustion,” I was surprised to realize that I had forgotten what that felt like. Asana, or Yoga poses, are even more effective when you are tired. I empirically understood this only after I began to actually practice. When I suppress the ‘sleepy urge’ that draws me into falling right to sleep on my futon, and instead practice asana, my mind and my body become relaxed, and this leads me into a deeper sleep. The next morning, fatigue would be completely gone, and instead there would be a sense of fullness. By repeating this process, my confidence in Yoga has become stronger little by little, and now I feel that it is unshakeable. This university student said, “I don’t have time to participate in Yoga Circle now,” but my wish is that one day I will be able to share with her the true peace of mind that Yoga provides.

Through the continuous practice of Yoga, as the parts within the body that we may normally not feel become enhanced and sensitized, we can feel every cell of the body becoming vibrant. It is as if we are able to recharge our own energy, without depending on any modern technology. Also, because of posture and daily habits, everyone more or less has imbalances within the body, but Yoga will correct them.

Sorry to delve into personal matters, but about a year before I encountered Yoga at the Mahayogi Yoga Mission in Kyoto, I was suffering from severe TMJ (jaw arthritis). When I looked at a picture of my smile from back then, the right corner of my mouth was much higher than the left, and the jawbone was skewed. The reason for this was that after I had hurt my neck in a rear-end collision, I was reluctant to go to a dentist, and so neglected to go for the necessary dental treatment for about a year. During that time I ate only using teeth on my left side. Indeed, I didn’t start Yoga for the purpose of curing TMJ arthritis, (so I wasn’t concerned about it, nor did I relate this issue with my Yoga practice,) but even after doing asana it didn’t easily improve, and it was even difficult to open my mouth. Regardless, with the fear of possibly having problems keeping my job, I just kept practicing asana. I don’t remember for how long, but as I continued my discipline of practicing asana, and doing so earnestly every single day for some time, one day, I suddenly noticed that my jaw had become normal. It is true that if the jaw is skewed, then the neck, spine, and back are also skewed; therefore it was important to correct the entire body through practicing asana—however, since I have an optimistic and carefree personality, I only realized this once the condition had almost been healed. Of course, I was very grateful that my TMJ had been healed from its root cause, however this was simply something that was thrown in as an extra. Why? Because what I was seeking from Yoga had nothing to do with the body.

The reason that I became so eager and wanted so much to go to Kyoto to practice Yoga at the Mahayogi Yoga Mission there was because of the following words from an email sent by a senior disciple who had been practicing under the Master in Kyoto for some years, and who later became my teacher in class. I felt that there was some secret about the practice of asana in these words:

“Based on the premise that one practices every single day—there can be some differences depending on the individual—but if one practices this method of asana, one will transform mentally after about three months. You will be amazed by that transformation.”

As I mentioned in the previous article from the spring issue,* on March 1, 2003,** I moved to Kyoto alone, into a house where senior disciples lived together, and there I learned the essence of Yoga through their daily lives. I felt that I suddenly gained a brother and sisters who were dependable and kind, so each day was fresh and happy, and I enjoyed it so much. They all cared about me and watched over my growth without being overbearing. Looking back, I see how their actions were filled with much consideration for me, I was too immature to notice it then, but now I am filled with gratitude for that.

* In the spring issue, she wrote about her encounter with Yoga, about the teaching she received from the initial meeting with Shri Mahayogi, and about the activities of Yoga Circle.
** This was two and half months after her initial meeting with Shri Mahayogi, when Shri Mahayogi visited Matsuyama where she lives.

I remember vividly the first time I participated in the Mission’s Yoga class. When it comes to Yoga asana, in Matsuyama, I had taken “Power Yoga” classes where the body was constantly in motion. But in order to be able to correctly concentrate on this new style of Yoga that I was going to learn, I took my first class with the resolve to forget the style of Yoga that I had learned up to that point and to start from point zero.

What surprised me first was the atmosphere of the class. Through the use of indirect lighting, the class, which was held at night, was cared for in a way that made it easier to concentrate. Even though it was my first class, the people who came and the atmosphere there were very comforting, so it immediately relaxed my tensed mind. I’d heard beforehand that the form of each pose would most likely be familiar since I’d done some of them before, however the sense of concentration was completely different.

First of all, the poses were held over twice as long as what I was used to. However, since there is a supine resting pose between each asana, which is also an asana, I was able to relax during this resting pose. I was carefully instructed on how to breath, how to move the limbs as well as other important points about the poses that I should be aware of. It was refreshing to me to be told that, during the pose, if the eye gaze or the sense of concentration moves away, then prana, the energy (ki or chi), escapes. As I continued to practice, I gradually came to understand that, when practiced correctly, asana becomes deeper, and that to be able to, in the end, correctly meditate is the real and original purpose of asana. I was told the importance of breathing correctly during a completed pose, however in the beginning, I could not breathe quietly, and although it took me months, as I became familiar with the asana, I started to be able to concentrate on the breath, and later on I realized that my breathing had transformed to diaphragmatic breathing without taking notice of when it began. And the issue and frustration I had also had—that even though I understood intellectually that the asana should be practiced without the body being tensed up, and even though no matter how I tried I had not been able to actually translate this into the body—was resolved in time.

“The body and the mind are constantly susceptible to influence from the external world. Through practicing asana, pranayama, and meditation, breathing habits change. This affects every single cell throughout the entire body and provides stability to the body and mind. Though continuous training, prana is stored within the subtle body, healing the body and the mind so much so that it reduces the amount of sleep that one requires. These effects arise as a result of the purification of the normally damaged 72,000 nadi, or hollow canals in the body through which the prana flows. The principal nadi, the sushumna, which run through the spinal cord, is just as vital as the autonomic nervous system mentioned in Western medicine. Disciplining yourself every day by using the physical body, learning the sacred scriptures, and meditating, is called kriya yoga.”

        —Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahamsa from The Universal Gospel of Yoga

Since I had come all the way to Kyoto in the first place, while I was in Kyoto I felt that I must absorb Yoga before returning back home—being so intent on this, I asked many questions to the Master. His answers are still a motivating factor for me to this day.

Fukoue: Since you taught me a very important teaching, I now feel that my father is a precious existence, and finally I have become able to be kind to him. However, right before coming here to Kyoto, in spite of myself, I got into a huff when he admonished me based on his own misunderstanding. I did not speak back to him, but how can I prevent myself from getting like that?

The Master seemed to be pleased and encouraged me by saying, “At least you’ve grown a little, since you didn’t talk back.” But then, he decisively said, “If you discipline yourself to practice asana, then you will become unshakeable.” At that point, I said to myself— I want to become unshakeable—so with this desire as my single intention, I continued my discipline to practice asana.

Half a year later, I had to move back to Matsuyama. What I learned in Kyoto was how crucial the practice in daily life really is. And that was exactly what the Master taught me from the very beginning.

These are the words of the Master that I’d like to bear constantly in my heart. These words overlap with the humbleness of the senior disciples with whom I lived:

“Always think, speak, and act for the good of others. This is synonymous with the teaching, ‘Love thy neighbor.’ Truth is One. Without a word, it is conveyed, unfailingly, through silence. In coming into contact with various people in diverse situations, always act simply, solely filling your mind with what is best for the other person. Needless to say, in order to do so effortlessly, your daily practice and self-training are required.”

                                       —Sadguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahamsa from SATORI

By always moving forth with humility, I wish to expand the circle of kindness and smiles that has been bestowed upon me by the Master and the senior disciples.


Echo from The Cave: 61

Wed Oct 11th, 2017 00:15 am, NYC

Editor’s Note: Pranavadipa Volume 35

Two months have passed since our dearest beloved Shri Mahayogi returned to Kyoto, Japan. This span of two months is exactly the same as the precious amount of time we had to be in the physical presence of the Master, Shri Mahayogi, this summer. We miss him dearly… … … While he is in Kyoto, let us keep up our practice and go forward by applying what we have learned from the Master. Through doing it, may we feel Shri Mahayogi’s presence more and more and go closer to Oneness!

This issue of Pranavadipa (Vol. 35) contains the transcription of the Satsangha that took place in New York on July 21, 2017. Those who have yet to met Shri Mahayogi can find great inspiration throughout this issue, some of the topics of which are described in our blog post, “Echo from The Cave 60.” (The Table of Contents for all issues of Pranavadipa are also always available on our website.) For those of us who attended the Satsangha that day, we will surely appreciate reading this Satsangha and reminding ourselves again and again about the teachings of Buddha, the practice of discrimination and the other precious teachings that we received through the grace of Shri Mahayogi that day.

The Testimony this month is an article by our brother Gopala, who some of you may have had the opportunity to meet, as he visited NY from Kyoto during the month of July in order to learn directly from Shri Mahayogi. The title of his article is “The Existence and Guidance of the Guru: Reflecting on my Stay in New York City.” The contents of the “Testimonies from Actual Practitioners” bring different aspects of inspiration and hints for our practice, since these are about how practitioners apply the teachings in their everyday life as they aim for Satori.

As we work on the publication of each issue of Pranavadipa, there is such a wealth of great content that we feel truly blessed, as this is our constant opportunity to learn more and more. With each time we read, we have the opportunity to find something more and to delve deeper. We hope that Pranavadipa will also support your own practice as you journey to find the true Self.

This month we would also like to introduce an article written by one of our NY brothers, as he reflects on Shri Mahayogi’s visit this summer.

Reunion of Brothers: Ekanta, Gopala, Badhra and Aniruddha









EXPERIENCE: Testimony from our Brother in New York

Before Shri Mahayogi’s arrival

There is much that we can learn from Shri Mahayogi’s visits to New York, and one of the ways this takes place is through being involved in the activities of the Mahayogi Yoga Mission. From cleaning the space to offering the mala, every moment spent with the Mission is an opportunity to learn and grow.

In a meeting we had before class, our brother Gopala, who was visiting from Kyoto for one month, shared with us the importance of being prepared for Satsangha. I do not remember his exact words, but the message was that Satsangha are extremely valuable moments spent in the presence of our Guru and that it is extremely important that we always have questions which come from our direct experience of practice. This was a great lesson that I learned during Shri Mahayog’s visit to New York this year.

A couple of months before Shri Mahayogi’s visit, our senior disciple, Anandamali, suggested that we start holding an Asana and Meditation class at my home in Queens. This was a great opportunity because now I would have to prepare the space almost entirely by myself, giving me the chance to observe my mind while the body was engaging in different activities. One of the preparations involved cleaning the space, which is not only done on a physical level. In fact, by keeping the mind in a state of sattva, the room becomes clean in a more subtle way too. Every detail is important: from arranging the curtains, considering how much sun and air is let in, to setting up the sign in table, considering the distance between items and the placement of each item in relation to the one next to it. It was while performing these preparations that different aspects of my mind came to the surface. For example, in order to set up I needed to remove all objects, including my mattress, from my room, which is where the practice takes place. One of the thoughts that arose after two or three classes was, “Oh! Am I going to have to do this every time?” Upon noticing this thought, I felt, “What a good opportunity, now I can follow and see where this thought is coming from in the first place.”

Apart from the set up, Anandamali had also asked me to demonstrate a few asana during the classes. I found myself having to be aware of many things at the same time; performing the asana, listening to the direct instructions of Sadhya, who leads the class, and also being aware of the attendees in the room. This made me see the class from a very different perspective, unknown to me before, and showed me how important it is to take care of what our thoughts are doing each and every moment throughout the entire duration of the class. For example, once, while Sadhya was talking during the end of the class my mind wandered away, thinking of something completely unrelated. At one point, when my attention came back, I realized that for the duration of time that my mind had wandered, it took a piece of the class with it, and it felt almost as if in the middle of a game, when all the players are on a field, one decides to leave. At that moment, the team is no longer complete and everyone may lose as a result. So even a single thought can have a big impact on the energy of the space and on the other minds in the room. Now I am beginning to understand the importance and significance of all the minds involved in the class becoming one as they follow the direction of the person who is leading the class.

For the last class with Shri Mahayogi, we had a good number of attendees whose native language is Romanian. Anandamali gave me the opportunity to be part of the leading staff for the first time during Shri Mahayogi’s class. I was asked to translate the asana instructions from English to Romanian for the new Romanian students. I was excited, so before class I started to think about the translation. But not too long after the class began, Anandamali let me know that I was moving too fast, in a restless kind of a way. Bringing my attention to my actions, I immediately noticed my tense body, which was the result of my mind being afraid of failure. This was again a valuable lesson that the body will follow the mind in everything we do and that it is more important to constantly be aware of the state of the mind. I was only focusing on the physical part of the activity so I did not realize that I was rushing through class trying to adjust the physical body of the practitioners, not paying attention to the finer details of practice, like their breathing. I moved too quickly and in a rough way, without putting care into the surroundings and the noise that comes as a result, creating a disruptive wave of energy that could have a direct effect on the level of concentration of the practitioners in the room and change the type of energy that had been created up until that point.
On my way to the first Satsangha this year I remember being very happy, but I also remember thinking that I did not have any questions. All of these situations made me notice my mind and the actions that came out of my state of mind. However, having not applied any of the teachings to these patterns of the mind, I only received a small mental satisfaction, which came from observing my mind and recognizing the incorrect thoughts. I guess at first my mind was just satisfied with the discoveries it made, but the fact that I didn’t have any questions also made me wonder if simply seeing the mind’s way of thinking is enough. Now I have begun to understand that I need to do much more than just look at my thoughts, because even though I may notice them, they do not change or go away.

So although Shri Mahayogi is giving us so many blessings by showing us how the mind works, we are the ones who have to put the work and effort into applying the teachings so that we can grow and move past these patterns of the mind—otherwise they will remain unresolved. I know that now I will have to embark on an actual battle with my mind, and I am so thankful to Shri Mahayogi that not only he directs us into seeing concretely the shortcomings of the mind but that he actually gives us the teachings with which we can win over the endless river of false beliefs that constantly drag us into suffering from one incarnation to the other.

Jai Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa!


Echo from The Cave:60

Mon Aug 14th, 2017 08:00 pm, NYC


The purpose of life is to know what the Truth is,
and then realize It.
The absolute Truth is Eternal Reality,
which is your true Self…
Guru is the Truth itself….
Guru brings Liberation, not bondage.”

— From The Universal Gospel of Yoga,
Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa


We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our most Beloved Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa for accepting the invitation to come to New York and gracing us with his Pure Existence for the past two months. Truly it is difficult to grasp how rare it is to have the opportunity to learn from and experience a true Master of Yoga.  Yet this year, many seekers from a variety of different backgrounds had the opportunity to meet Shri Mahayogi for the first time, to ask the questions burning in their hearts and to experience the stillness that permeates everything around him.

During this visit, Shri Mahayogi directed Asana and Meditation every Sunday and held two Satsangha, in which seekers gathered to ask the Master questions about the spiritual path.

Topics ranged from the basic teaching of who the true Self is, to quantum physics, the teaching of the Buddha, the highest responsibility of a parent, the correct understanding of prayer, the mistaken understanding of the concept of sin and the true essence of all religion, just to name a few. Shri Mahayogi also responded to seekers’ earnest questions about how to deepen meditation, how to manage relationships, how to build faith, and how to confront desires in the mind.

Shri Mahayogi pointed us the way to attaining Truth again and again with his words, while at the same time allowing our hearts to taste that Truth in the space beyond his words.

Shri Mahayogi’s message to us all in the final Sunday Asana and Meditation Class was to establish and deepen in actual practice.  Whether we have just met Shri Mahayogi for the first time or we are seeing him again after many years, it is a message for us all to take sincerely and earnestly into our hearts. The clues for how to put the teaching into actual practice are all around us. May we all open our hearts to see them and recognize that Awakening is REAL and it is attainable for all who humbly and passionately seek to experience it for themselves. May we all tirelessly apply with utmost sincerity these precious teachings that Shri Mahayogi has given us into every moment of our daily lives and continue to walk the path towards Truth, so that Shri Mahayogi may return soon to New York to grace us with his direct guidance again.

We humbly bow down to the feet of our Beloved Guru.
Jai Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahamsa, Ki, Jai!!!


Shri Mahayogi instructs meditation in the class while others practice asana



Here are some voices from first time attendees of the Satsangha and the Asana & Meditation program with Shri Mahayogi:

“After hearing the response to my question about everything being energy, [in regards to quantum physics,] I felt that Shri Mahayogi was inviting me to experience the true Self for myself…and that gave me chills.”

— words from an Attendee, Satsangha, 7/21/17

“The vast knowledge that Shri Mahayogi has is way beyond my understanding, but when I was in Shri Mahayogi’s presence my mind was calm and at peace.” 

 — words from an Attendee, Satsangha, 8/4/2017


“My warm thanks to the members of the Mahayogi Yoga Mission for their accommodating welcome — a wonderful group of students.”

— words of gratitude from a seeker who,
after meeting Shri Mahayogi this year for the first time ever, attended all subsequent programs during Shri Mahayogi’s visit



Editor’s Note: Pranavadipa Volume 33

Words from a Reader:

On August 8th, the same day that Pranavadipa Volume 33 was published, the following words arrived from a subscriber:

“I was so moved by every word—laughing, crying, taking in and feeling so thankful once again that this teaching is here to be taken as food for practice.

So many things had to have happened for these words to come together in one volume!!!: conversations among disciples, actual practice with actions constantly guided by the earnest seeking for the Truth, disciples writing and sharing their experience, and, at the heart of it all, the existence of Shri Mahayogi himself, like the sun that shines on all of us. Oh my goodness, Pranavadipa is the Light of the Resounding Truth without a doubt. Thank you to all of the many efforts that make it possible. It is priceless!!”

The Satsangha in this month’s volume of Pranavadipa is coming from a small-group Satsangha that was held at the Mahayogi Ashrama in Kyoto just days after the first celebration of Sanatana Dharma Avatara Mela, the Grand Ceremony of the Manifestations of Divinity.  Shri Mahayogi expounds on the teaching of Asana, the correct understanding of emotion, of family, of discrimination on Atman, and of the establishment of Sanatana Dharma, the Eternal Truth.

The Testimony is a report on Shri Mahayogi’s first visit to Taiwan.  Shri Mahayogi visited Taiwan for one week this past May 2017 and four Satsangha were held with well over 100 attendees gathering to meet with Shri Mahayogi for the first time. This Testimony, written by Priya, one of the staff members in Taipei who served as the Chinese to Japanese translator, contains an overview of the contents of those four Satsangha.  The gratitude expressed for Shri Mahayogi’s visit and the opportunity that that visit brought for the people of Taiwan to meet an Awakened Master and to experience the direct teaching of the Truth is heartfelt and reminds us of how precious such an opportunity is.


Pranavadipa is a Monthly Publication of Online Study Material containing the Teachings of Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa & the Experiences of Practitioners that is available by annual subscription. A new volume of Pranavadipa is issued on the 8th of every month.

Go to Information

Echo from The Cave:59

Sat July 8th, 2017 07:10 pm, NYC

BLESSING: Special Class with Shri Mahayogi
Almost one month has passed since Shri Mahayogi arrived in New York and already we have had four opportunities to learn and practice Asana & Meditation with Shri Mahayogi during the special Sunday program. We have witnessed that attendees meeting Shri Mahayogi for the first time have swiftly been uplifted by the presence of the Master. To relate a few examples:

After the first class, one woman who had been attending the MYM’s classes on and off since last fall, and had at first been unsure of whether or not she should attend the special class with Shri Mahayogi or not, expressed that now she understands that it is impossible to describe what it is like to meet Shri Mahayogi with words, that this is only something that can be experienced—it is an experience that is beyond words.

Another attendee, who attended for the first time during the third class, was greatly impacted by Shri Mahayogi’s teaching about the Pure Consciousness. Shri Mahayogi taught that our true Self is not the mind, but is Pure Consciousness, which simply witnesses the mind, never saying anything or becoming involved, and that the way to find that Pure Consciousness is through the gate of the heart. After hearing this, she went home and immediately read as much as she could about Shri Mahayogi on the Mahayogi Yoga Mission website, then expressed her thorough disbelief that it could even be possible that she had just been in the presence of such a Master as Shri Mahayogi. Still others remained speechless after the class, but their lightness and blissful smiles spoke louder than words.

Shri Mahayogi will be in New York one more month before he goes back to Japan. We hope that as many new attendees as possible will take this rare and special opportunity to meet Shri Mahayogi and that those who have already met Shri Mahayogi will continue to take advantage of this most precious opportunity to learn from and be in the presence of the Master!


EDITOR’S NOTE: Pranavadipa Vol. 32
This month’s issue of Pranavadipa, Vol. 32, contains the last part of the Satsangha that we have had the opportunity to read and study for the past two months. This particular Satsangha lasted over 3 hours and Shri Mahayogi generously delivered the teaching of the Truth to practitioners who had recently begun to practice. Truly we all can learn from studying these simple and easy to understand teachings again and again.

There is no amount of book knowledge that can make us know something. Therefore, a practitioner never reads just for the sake of reading alone. A practitioner is always looking for the ways they can put the teaching into practice, since it is only by experiencing the teaching through that practice and the depths of our own intuition that we can truly understand it.

This month’s Testimony, “Small Steps Along the Way”, is an article written by Shaci, a long time disciple, living in Kyoto, Japan. She wrote it in 2003 for Paramahamsa, a bi-monthly newsletter published in Japanese, which means 14 years have already passed since the time she wrote this. It is so inspiring to see Shaci’s internal practice, which is nothing showy, but rather very quiet, simple and practical. It has really required firm resolution and passion to continue persistently over the course of a long period of time, but in the end, this is exactly what builds real fortitude within a practitioner. In fact if you see her, you may not realize how much she has been putting in the effort to purify herself in this way behind the scenes, but here she reveals the way in which she makes continual effort in daily life. Her daily efforts and practice in the “Now”, in each and every moment, is a great example of the demonstration of Shri Mahayogi’s teaching: that the real field of practice is in daily life and that we must practice diligently and steadily without complaint or expectation. Often times, as practitioners, we may want to have a spiritual experience, to experience a miracle or something extraordinary, or think that if we do then it is a sign of our advancement, however this is a trap. We hope that just like she learned and applied the teachings from the practice experienced by a real person who devoted himself fully to attaining Satori, we too can learn through the concrete examples of our brothers and sisters who have been walking the path before us and along side us. Surely, if we do so, we too can deepen our own understanding of the teaching of Yoga and, at the same time, bring to life the words of the teachings, so that even those who may not have the opportunity to encounter them for themselves, may be able to feel them through our way of living.

At “Tatsunoko” Illustration by Shaci 2003


Echo from The Cave:58

Sat June 10th, 2017 08:30 pm, NYC

EDITOR’S NOTE: Pranavadipa Vol. 31

Sadhya’s lunch box. Since returning from Kyoto in April, She has been practicing everyday to bring to work a complete home-cooked meal for lunch. Her lunch box, which she brought from Japan, keeps the meal warm.

The Satsangha in this month’s issue of Pranavadipa, Vol. 31, is a continuation of the Satsangha previously published in Pranavadipa Vol. 30. During this Satsangha, which was held for newer students who had just begun to practice, Shri Mahayogi explains the basic teachings in simple and easy to understand language. The wise practitioner knows that we are all beginners and, OF COURSE, the depth of this teaching may only be revealed the more we actually put it into practice.

This particular Satsangha will also continue into next month’s issue of Pranavadipa.

Currently Shri Mahayogi is here in New York, and the first class with Shri Mahayogi will be held tomorrow.

Let us all deepen our practice, so that we, as practitioners, can ask Shri Mahayogi questions that arise from the experience of actually putting the teaching into practice!

The question is: How do we deepen our practice?

The Testimonies in Pranavadipa Vol. 30 and Vol. 31 both relate to actual practice and the teaching of samarasa. It is inspiring to know how practitioners practice samarasa, as well as the discoveries they have made through their practice.

If you would like to order the book The Kitchen of Samarasa, the Way of Yogic Cooking (filled with full-colored photos—in JP only), please contact us. —See the blog  Echo From The Cave: 26 

Note: Samarasa is a term in Yoga, and another word for samadhi, (the state of complete absorption). It can be translated as “same taste,” which indicates “tasting ultimate bliss.” (sama = equal/same, rasa = taste)


Echo from The Cave:57

Sun May 28th, 2017 00:00 pm, NYC

Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa visits New York!

June – August 2017

It is with immense joy in our hearts that
we welcome back
our Beloved Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa to New York! 

Since his first visit to New York in 1996, Shri Mahayogi has bestowed upon seekers coming from near and far the wisdom and true essence of Yoga.  Established in the state of Awakening since the age of 8, Shri Mahayogi guides seekers from all backgrounds and faiths from his own direct experience of the Pure and Eternal Existence within one and all. How rare and unique it is to encounter a Master who has perfected and completed the ultimate state of Yoga, the state of supreme Silence!

Shri Mahayogi teaches from his own experience all four branches of Yoga: raja yoga, jnana yoga, bhakti yoga, and karma yoga, as well as the teachings of the Buddha, which, according to what he has directly perceived through his own meditation, are no different from the teachings of Yoga.

In the Master’s class, the seeker practices highly focused asana & meditation.  The asana that he teaches comes directly from his own spontaneous practice, without any external instruction, that continued for 16 years beginning at the age of 14, and is aimed at preparing seekers to experience for themselves the true and ultimate state of Yoga—the complete restraint of the mind and the true Freedom that comes as a result. It is exceptionally rare for a seeker to have the opportunity to practice in the serene and blessed energy that radiates from an Enlightened Master, and to receive the direct guidance that comes through words, touch or, most importantly, silence.

Shri Mahayogi also offers Satsangha for seekers who would like to practice toward Awakening into the true Self. This is a very special opportunity for seekers to ask questions in regards to their practice or their journey towards experiencing the true Self. From the physical to the most subtle inner workings of the mind, Shri Mahayogi guides each seeker according to his or her conditions at any given time and in any given situation.

for programs
with Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa.

Space is limited!

Petal: 26

Sat May 27th, 2017 1:30 am, NYC

Before the opening of the event


As it begins: A Seeker yearning for Buddha

“Buddha… Most Revered Buddha… Most Beloved Buddha…

What is Real?

“You left the palace,
you left wealth,
you left your wife,
you left your child…
Everything you left
to know the Truth.

So Buddha,
what IS Real?!”


“I think of you sitting under the Boddhi tree that day.
Already you had given up even the desire for your own life,
all to know the Truth.”


She sits and vows.

MC and the photographer from the Rubin Museum

“Withdraw the breath…
Withdraw the senses…
Withdraw the mind…

So that I can know only You.”










By this point, the space had
already begun to fill with silence.
It seemed that it was quite unexpected for the audience when she began to move…, and a few whispered curiosities to each other in the back.  But soon the only sound that resonated was the sound of camera’s shuttering from all around.


The audience was captured by the seeker’s intensity and single-pointedness.
Her eye gaze and body were completely still and fixed for a long time.
The audience was drawn into that stillness too and complete silence permeated the space.

Then, the seeker meditates.


The End