Mon Nov 23th, 2015 4:00 pm, NYC
On The Day Of Satguru Jayanti

This year, they read aloud the four Jayanti messages
on be half of sangha members in New York
Messages to the Master from disciples in U.S. and Croatia
SATGURU JAYANTI MESSAGE To Our Beloved Master From sangha members in NY:
Jayanti, an auspicious day when lovers of truth and all those that are fortunate to have been in your presence and hear your spoken word, and those who are blessed whom you called to be your disciples come together to share in your celebration and give great gratitude for the precious gift God has given the world and the faithful. Your birth into physical form.
Your Jayanti, has been on my mind for a few months now, as I pondered what I would want to write about, but it always seemed overwhelmingly clear what it would be, that is, how you are my Father, the father my heart has always yearned for. Growing up I never really had much of a relationship with either of my parents. My father only provided for my brother and me nominally, but he was never around. …Only God knows why my brother and I didn’t get into serious trouble as youths, we were never provided with any guidance or any sense of reassurance that a young person needs. For many years this upbringing impacted my life and shaped some of the obstacles which I deal with today.
During your visit to New York earlier this year, on our trip to the airport you provided me with the most reassuring and comforting words that guided me throughout the year, you said that even though I may make progress I will fall back due to my struggles. You told me not give up, it’s normal. I clung to those words so much to give me strength, because during my difficulties the mind becomes heavy and filled with thoughts of doubt. During one of these difficult periods this year I looked at your photos, and they were laying on my dresser and I just began to stare at your smile. What a warm smile. I felt such warmth and comfort fill my heart and it comforted my whole body. I felt like crying, as I touched your photos and uttered “you’re my father”.
As I said at the outset of my message, Shri Mahayogi, you’re the father my heart has been yearning for and now it’s found him. Through experiences such as this, Mirabai’s words from a few years ago from the recent Pranavadipa brings to mind that there is nothing we can ever give you, you’re the one that’s constantly giving, constantly loving us as you patiently lead us to Truth. Shri Mahayogi, you are the living, physical manifestation of God and I look upon you as Father, there is only one suitable way to honor a father as holy as yourself, that is to walk in your footsteps. Let my thoughts, speech and actions reflect that it is from you that I am sown. May this most holiest of holy days help us to renew our commitment to serve and honor the Great Guru, Sadguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahamsa.
Dear Shri Mahayogi:
First of all, I thank you so much for your infinite love and patience with me.
…I knew that the “Three Jewels”—(The Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha) is as important teaching, but I truly felt that the ‘Sangha’ was the least lustrous of these three gemstones, and not equally important. I didn’t see that all three parts are important for spiritual growth.
At the Satsangha in November 2014, …I spoke with you about the ‘fearful mind’. You told me that God can heal that type of mind and that I needed to practice Bhakti and Karma Yoga. The Karma Yoga was to be done by working with MYM mission. Little did I know that my life would begin to change because of the work with the mission.
The Gurubai provided a space/environment that was without visual or mental distraction, so that concentration on dispersing the Truth in its true essence was true only purpose and focus. I entered the space determined to practice and to keep vigilant at the trickiness of the mind. My practice was to stay open, align myself with the teachings and remain open when I was there or when I went home. I was determined to silence the mind. The love between Gurubai and the care that was given to me was beautiful.
I began to feel more settled, and more peaceful, but most of all, being around Gurubai, working on the teachings, and talking about the teachings made the Truths sunk into my system. My friends commented on the change.
The mind is more quiet, and I know I must continue to train the mind. I am making better choices, not necessarily easier ones. If it were not for these experiences, I’d still be running around like a chicken without its head. I am concentrating on going deeper and will continue to work with the mission. I am by no means perfect, and I have a long way to go, but I am a for cry from where I was last year, and although the tools have always been there, in “The Universal Gospel of Yoga” and “Satori”, it took working with the Sangha as a support in order for me to step forward on this part. For that, I am eternally grateful.
I want these Truths to be shared with others. I will continue to work with MYM, and the next step for me is to deepen my Bhakti. So I will work toward that.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
I am very grateful for All the guidance you have given and continue to give throughout the years.
With All My Heart
Beloved Sri Mahayogi,
It is again the most holy of days, your Jayanti, and as I reflect upon your most divine existence I feel humbled by all that you are constantly giving of yourself to me. I have never felt like I have been more in the eye of the Master than within this past year, watching carefully over me and orchestrating the careful folding out of a path before me. If I reflect back on the year that has passed since last Jayanti, I have no doubt that it has been a year of one unique and precious gift from Sri Mahayogi after another.
Pranavadipa has nourished me and sustained me each month, providing me with just the right guidance and inspiration in the moments when I need it most, not to mention the perfect opportunity to delightfully set aside all else that is trying to demand my attention and dive into the words of Truth. Editing The Universal Gospel of Yoga has been an experience unlike any other. The summer spent with the pages of your sacred words, the company of sangha, and encircled in your permeating spirit and mastery, has had such a profound effect on me that I cannot even really understand it yet. The summertime washed over me like one big wave enlivening, revitalizing, and re-energizing me—and leaving me not wanting to part with the intensity of our daily work together to go back out into the world to the other intensity of work that awaited me there.
But as I transitioned to the next, your words from the teaching of “Ichi Go Ichi Eh,” etched into my heart, brought joy and immense gratitude: “Seeing the Infinite in the moment— And this moment we have been given now may never come again. That is why it is precious.” … The waves continue to wash over me, some more intensely than others, but constantly ebbing and flowing back and forth, weathering away the very fabric of my perceived existence, yet polishing the very inner core of my being.
Each and every moment is a gift from you to be cherished, a blessing, a privilege, so graciously given. But I have to admit to you that there are many moments that pass by that I cannot yet see it, or recognize it, at least, not until later. At times I have felt bothered by the amount of time and energy that my job consumes, for example. But upon close examination, it is perfect. It is excellent training in concentration, pushing my mind to the point where it has no choice but to attend to whatever task is at hand, leaving no room for its tendency to wander to steal it away in various directions. Before, I was under my own impression that I was in some way practicing more or thinking of the teachings more because I had more time to think and reflect on them and practice meditation. However, when I compare to my current situation, it seems this may have been an illusion, because although I may have seemed that I had more time to think and reflect, I feel that I may have only been giving myself the impression that I was practicing by entertaining thoughts, but not necessarily acting accordingly in situations that truly tested my limits.
I can’t say if now I am practicing more so or not, but I can say that I am in the process of trying to find out what it really means to practice yoga, what it really means to meditate in whatever circumstances I find myself and with whomever. I am in the process of trying to truly see and feel your very essence at all times, all around me, to be the only thing that I can see, hear, feel and even breathe… And what I find is that even in what seem to be my loneliest of moments, when the thought of my beloved momentarily appears to escape my heart, I am seized by you—even in a flash of a single thought— surrounding me with your steadfast presence and divine grace, clothed in a multitude of forms and faces. And that in itself is exhilarating and I want to know it more.
Sometimes I feel like you are playing a game with me, a game where I am given so many things that I must attend to back-to-back that it makes it difficult to think about you, which only makes me long for you more intensely. Then when the moment comes, perhaps in the few minutes before I go to bed or on a Friday evening, when a slight repose or pause is possible, I can feel my heart flood with joy as my thoughts turn to rest in you…and it feels like I am taking a deep, almost gasping breath after being under water for a long time, bringing me life again.
In spite of whatever situation or circumstances I am experiencing from day to day, I cannot help but feel immense gratitude to share this lifetime with you, to be here alongside your holy manifestation. I often ask myself, what is the purpose of being where I am? What am I doing here? What is my role? And as I look around me, especially in the schools where I must face the fact that there are so many who have not had the opportunity to meet a being like you Sri Mahayogi, a true teacher, to show the way to Truth, my heart aches. And I feel that it is truly my responsibility to proceed boldly in spreading your mission of re-establishing Sanatana Dharma in this age. And I don’t really know how to do that yet, or I should say, I don’t know the details from moment to moment, but I have faith that you are guiding my footsteps. I know that I must continue to dive deeper and closer to you, to the Truth, to transform myself, or rather to allow myself to be transformed, to surrender completely. If I can only allow myself to be thoroughly washed away so that these hands, feet, words, and heart may be completely yours, then the rest will be guided by your divine hand.
Sri Mahayogi, I bow before you, the one who so graciously peels away the layers of ignorance that obscure my heart from the Absolute, the one who so lovingly encourages me to take my own hands from before my eyes so that I will be able to see, the one who so boldly lives, breaths and embodies the immutable Truth, the one who in infinite compassion patiently waits for his children to Awaken, never once leaving our side, and with gratitude I humbly offer to you my thoughts, words, actions —my heart. Thank you Sri Mahayogi for your divine Existence!
Jai Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahamsaki, Jai, Jai, Jai!!

“Everything is filled with Bliss given by God.
The meaning of Prasad is humbly receiving of the food offered to God.”
Jai Satguru Shri Mahayogi Paramahansa Ki Jai !!!
Hari, Om Tat Sat, Om!!!